Daily Gacha Videos

April 25, 2023

Should You Pull for Dorothy? Pre-Analysis 勝利の女神:NIKKE

We’re finally getting Dorothy, and the question everyone’s asking is the same, should I pull for her?

Here are our notes and the pre-analysis we’ve done so far, everything is subject to change, but hopefully it can help you decide if you want to pull for her or not.

  • First meta unit since Modernia? Pilgrim units are rare and strong, so we’re expecting to have another meta unit you can use pretty much everywhere
  • Liter is not dead, they will coexist. If anyone tells you otherwise, it’s because they don’t have Liter.
  • Damage buffer, DPS “supporter”. She’s pretty much a DPS that reduces cooldown for the burst skill of your team
  • CD burst reduction, might be able to pair with 40-second Nikkes like Poli and Noise, making 1-1-3 teams more viable even if they don’t have a 20-second cooldown rotation
  • Her brand (burst skill) seems to be able to target all enemies and boss parts, if true, that’s A LOT of damage
  • Good synergy with units that reduce reload speed like Admi and Privaty. She will be a nice addition to the reload Scarlet team
  • Need to manually apply her brand (burst) to the boss, if you use it on normal enemies, it’s wasted as they will die too quickly for the skill to proc
  • Stats priority: ATK, hit rate and the last spot can be flexible, we recommend elemental damage or in this case you could even try getting defense

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