Daily Gacha Videos

June 20, 2023

NIKKE Guillotine got buffed, can she catch up to Scarlet in DPS now?

Guillotine got a nice buff to her kit to make her more usable and a lot of people are claiming that now she can become one of the top DPS in the game, matching Scarlet without a problem.

Let’s start by talking about her buff first: skill 1 got changed from 100 normal attacks to 30, making it a lot better to ramp up critical rate in exchange for HP.

Skill 1: Residual Heat
■ Affects self. Casts after landing 30 normal attacks.
Critical rate ▲ 9.28% for 10 sec.
HP ▼ 2.01%

Skill 2 also got a change to the percentage of Critical Damage and the ATK buff, getting almost a 1% of extra ATK per 1% of HP loss.

Skill 2: Shroud of Darkness
■ Affects self. Casts after landing 150 normal attacks.
Critical Damage ▲ 14.69% for 5 sec.
■ Affects self. Casts when HP falls below 70%.
ATK ▲ 0.96% with every 1% of HP loss.

The changes on paper look pretty good, so what’s the issue?

Even with the buff to critical rate she’s giving herself, her ATK is still pretty low unless you maintain her below 20-40% of HP constantly to also benefit from her buff on skill 2, which, in most content, it’s impossible to achieve.

Hard campaign? She’ll get destroyed when any bullet scratches her.

Bosses? Most of them need a healer and to actually keep the team healthy, with some exceptions like Grave Digger.

PVP? Not enough time to stack critical rate from skill 1 or skill 2.

If you invest in her skills and get overload gear with full critical damage, ATK and critical rate, she could become a unit that ramps up enough damage to be considered top tier. Maybe.

The investment is not worth it compared to directly dropping a scarlet without dupes and overload gear on your team, and the answer to “who will perform better” is obvious.

All of this is not to say she didn’t become a better unit. She has become better and can find a place on some teams now thanks to the buff.

But the claim that she is stronger than Scarlet is pure copium.

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