Daily Gacha Videos

Anomaly Interception: Indivilia



Published on: September 6, 2024

Last updated on: September 6, 2024



For more information about Anomaly interceptions in general, please refer to this page.

Indivilia is arguably the most difficult of the 5 current Anomaly interception bosses, as it stands she seems to have the highest overall defense and her attacks are way more dangerous than other bosses. The room for error with this boss without any form of recovery or viable units is more on the extreme end of punishment, and scores are not high for even extremely high level players.

Currently, Indivilia is the only Anomaly interception boss that can make herself completely immune to debuffs. Which is probably what contributes to the boss feeling overwhelmingly tanky for all players.

  • The above means we are unable to apply any form of “Increased damage taken” or apply reduced defense debuffs (or defense shred) that NIKKE have, even passively. Even if the buff is only temporary, it equates to significant damage loss with no counterplay.

Regardless if you are in need of chest equipment pieces for a specific character or not, doing Anomaly interception will generally yield more drops per day than Special interception.

Boss mechanics

“Overcharge” Boss immunity

Mentioned above, but as it stands, Indivilia is the only boss that can do this. She will shrug off all debuffs and make herself completely immune to debuffs while in this state. She is not inherently tankier than other bosses, but being unable to shred defense or have her take more damage makes reaching stages significantly more difficult.

Summoned Raptures

During both phases of the fight, Indivilia will summon flying raptures from the back of the screen that are considered “invisible”. The game says they cannot be targeted, but testing seems to show that they can, these flying raptures can be destroyed. They do heavy damage to whoever it targets, so destroying them as soon as possible is highly recommended.

Targeted Lasers (Pincers, Tail, and Core)

Every so often during the fight, Indivilia will charge up an attack from both of her pincers and her tail, dealing heavy damage to a NIKKE. These parts can be broken, but will respawn after a certain amount of time has passed.

This targeted laser cannot under any circumstance be taunted or attracted to by another NIKKE. The only way to avoid this is by tanking and recovering or taking cover, or the easiest is by destroying the parts to avoid it altogether. The tail can be really tough to hit because it moves around the screen a lot, but it has low hp and does not take a ton to break.

  • For those who are familiar with the solo raid version of the boss, not breaking the tail eventually lead to a charge up attack that killed the entire party. The Anomaly interception differs in that if you do not break the tail, the boss will eventually deal an attack that pierces cover and instantly kill a NIKKE.

There are individual other attacks from the pincers and tail as well that are also targeted but do not deal bonus damage to NIKKE. They are normal attacks that deal moderate damage and can be taunted, or avoided by destroying the parts.

Another charged laser attack can be avoided from the core of the boss, it is fairly obvious when this attack occurs as the boss will essentially be doing nothing else while it performs this attack. It can be covered, but not taunted.

Super Quiver Blade (Interrupt)

This is a 4 cancel circle interruption, the boss will do this attack regardless of whether the tail is broken. This sequence can only be done with FIRE element code NIKKE and must be interrupted, or the boss will swipe across the screen with its tail, killing all NIKKE and ending the run. The cancel circles themselves are extremely easy to break, so even a single fire code NIKKE should be able to deal with this if you are lacking units.

Second Phase mechanics

A few mechanics continue from the first phase, but the second phase is mainly a damage rush to the end. The boss is extremely aggressive in this phase and will continuously attack, high recovery and understanding damage thresholds for attacks is extremely in this phase as well as careful control of summoned breakable missiles and laser attack targets.

  • The boss will continue to spawn the flying raptures
  • It also summons needle like missiles that can be destroyed from both sides of the boss
  • The laser attack does pierce cover, so going for extra damage and having good recovery is what is needed. These attacks cannot be taunted

Recommended team/units

As far as recommended teams, there is not a meta fire team due to lack of overall viable fire units. If we were to take into account the overall team composition and what units we would need to fulfil those roles, there are very few selections currently present. As it currently stands the current “Best” usable team also involves an (extremely) recent addition from the Evangelion collaboration, our recommendations for individual units would change the teams entirely and will differ based on current account progression and luck.

As said above, there are not enough viable fire units to replace the above and be efficient enough to outweigh the drawbacks and still get more damage than the above team.

  • Alice is still arguably the strongest fire unit in the entire game for single target damage when well invested in
  • Despite being recommended, Asuka is a limited time collaboration unit, so she is technically the only unit that can be replaced.
    • For who? The only other option is Modernia, but then this comp loses efficiency, causes using Burst on Modernia is a damage loss. So the team itself would have to change.
  • If people have both collaboration units AND don’t want to use Alice, then you can use Rei instead to buff Asuka’s damage a significant amount
    • Will this outclass Alice overall? Without heavy investment in both units, very unlikely.
  • Having units that outclass the odd duo that is Crown and Naga will be extremely difficult, but will eventually happen, but as it stands those two are inseparable with the current meta for bosses.

This is how close we can currently get, there are probably other options, but for now going with some combination with meta non-elemental advantage units is still the way to go.

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