Anomaly Interception: Mirror Container

Jay profile picture

Written by Jay

Published on: 2024-07-01

Updated on: 2025-03-13

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Mirror container is the most recently added boss in the game, it is one of the more durable Anomaly interception bosses due to a mechanic and is one of the harder ones to reach a good score in. This is offset a bit by some stronger units in the game currently that are Electric code, which this boss is weak to. Unfortunately, one of the NIKKE also happens to be limited.

The reward for each tier for this Anomaly interception is T9 manufacturer gloves.

As every other Anomaly interception, we always recommended farming this version of interception over Special interception, as the average rewards per day is always going to be higher.

Boss mechanics

Be aware! — Boss targetets NIKKE with the highest Attack

Mirror Container has a few attacks that will ALWAYS target the NIKKE currently with the highest attack. Being aware of this is extremely important in keeping your units alive, depending on the units you are using for your attempts and if their buffs are triggered passively, over time or through skill usage will change who the boss will target at times.

One thing to note is that “Taunt” will affect who it targets temporarily, some units have taunts passively and others you can control. Taking that into account and making use of that could make the fight a little safer, but you are likely to lose damage.

Glass Slippers (Replica)

There are 3 different modes or stages that the Replica Glass Slippers will appear in. Early on, Mirror Container will summon a single glass slipper on one of its sides and after a short duration, it will target the NIKKE with the highest attack. Depending on comfort, you can either ignore this or use any single instance of damage to break the slipper. It MUST be a single hit with enough damage to break the slipper, or else it will not break.

Every so often, the boss will also summon what looks like glass shards to target a single NIKKE with the highest attack, these shards are the same as missiles from other bosses and are very easy to break.

There will also be a barrage of gunfire at the NIKKE with the highest attack, this will occur multiple times, so take caution and pay attention to how much damage you can take, this is one of the attacks that can kill that specific NIKKE very early on.

There is an immunity shield and interruption circle pattern, where Mirror container will summon all of its glass slipper for a full on attack, only Electric code NIKKE can deal damage. If the circles are not broken, then the boss will wipe all NIKKE.

Harmony Cube Overload

During this mechanic Mirror container charges up as it begins to emit a shockwave, a set of QTE interruption circles must be destroyed in sequence. Failing to resolve this will cause an AOE attack that pierces cover and will kill the team.

Glass Slippers: Attack mode

During its attack mode it will send out a crystal to the NIKKE with the highest attack, This single crystal will splash when it impacts and deals heavy damage. Highly recommended breaking this as soon as possible, and this attack is not effected by taunt.

Glass Slippers: Destroy Mode

Summons all Glass Slippers at once to deal massive damage to all NIKKE, during the channel a defensive barrier will be placed up and only Electric code NIKKE can attack the boss. A few cancel rings will appear and must be interrupted, failing to do so will cause a massive attack, ending the fight.

Glass Slippers: Defense Mode

Mirror container will summon all of its Glass Slippers, while the Glass Slippers are active the bosses defense goes up by 90%. While it is in attack mode, it will summon a single Glass Slipper to attack. You can interrupt the attack by attacking the Glass slipper. You can also break the Glass Slipper with a single attack, and in doing so reduce the bosses defense.

Interrupting and breaking the Glass Slippers the boss summons is mandatory and must have been done to go back to doing normal damage again. Not doing so will guarantee you not scoring high enough to reach certain score thresholds.

Example runs

Stage 9 example run by Tharsis

Stage 9 example run by Tharsis