Anomaly Interception: Ultra

Jay profile picture

Written by Jay

Published on: 2024-07-01

Updated on: 2025-03-13

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Out of the five current bosses in Anomaly Interception, Ultra sits somewhere in the middle in terms of how easy it is to score really high for optimal rewards. The fight itself is not that much difficult to its Story or Solo raid versions, but feels oddly tanky compared to a fight like Kraken, for example.

The reward for each tier for this Anomaly interception is T9 manufacturer helmets.

As every other Anomaly interception, we always recommended farming this version of interception over Special interception, as the average rewards per day is always going to be higher. If you are in need of head slots for your units, then this is the boss to fight.

Boss mechanics

Immunity Shield + Interruption Circles

Ultra will generate multiple immunity shields for an attack that deals moderate to heavy damage. These circles appear on either side of the boss and are always in a group of 3. These cancel rings are immune to all damage that is not elemental advantage (In this case Iron) and will perform an attack that targets a single NIKKE for high damage.

There is another QTE phase with cancel circles where a sequence will appear, and the circles will need to be interrupted or an attack that targets the player’s squad will occur. This attack will deal strong damage on hit and apply a heavy sustained damage dot lasting for a long time. Failing the QTE is not recommended and could cause a wipe without cleanse or constant HP recovery.

Breakable Poison chambers (on the sides of the boss)

These poison chambers will respawn every so often after breaking them, leaving them up will allow them to constantly target NIKKE with a barrage of projectiles that will deal a poison dot dealing moderate sustained damage. We recommend breaking them whenever they are up to avoid taking unnecessary damage over time, especially if you lack a sustain healer.

They have very little HP and are very easy to destroy, but they also respawn constantly throughout the fight. If you are using an element weak NIKKE, and they get targeted, there is a chance they take heavy damage over time and need to be looked after. Overall, if you have the right units for the fight, these chambers should almost never be on the screen for more than a few seconds.

Shockwave into Toxic Shell combo

After a sequence of attacks, Ultra will charge up and release a shockwave from the back of the screen that targets the entirety of your squad. This attack if it hits will cause a stun for several seconds because it will lead into the second attack. This attack can be covered but will deal heavy damage to the cover, there are different strategies on dealing with this.

Tanking one set of the shockwave is a viable strategy if you bring a form of recovery (either burst or sustained healing) but do not have any form of cover repair. If you do have cover repair, however, you can tank the shockwave no problem as it does not occur often enough for you to lose your cover.

The follow-up attack is a lot more dangerous without any form of shielding (Crown, Centi, Poli) are examples of units with shielding that can block the hit of the follow-up Toxic shell attack. If you are aware of the timing of when your shields are up, then you can completely ignore this mechanic for more damage. If you however do not use any units with shielding, then we highly recommend covering the attack instead.

Example runs

Anomaly Interception Ultra Stage 7 with Red Hood, Rapi: Red Hood, Helm Treasure Phase 2

Shinonono run

Tharsis example stage 5 run