Collectible & Favorite Items

Sefhi profile picture

Written by Sefhi

Published on: 2023-11-30

Updated on: 2025-03-13

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Before you read the guide

Collectible items’ rarity do not have anything to do with whom you can equip them into. R treasures can and should be used by SSR units, the only restriction it’s on the Favorite Items (more on that below).

How to obtain Collectible Items

As of the launch of the system, collectible items are currently only obtainable through the Solo Raid mode and daily dispatch missions available to all players by just playing the game and participating in the normal solo raid stages up to stage 7, guaranteeing some dolls at a fairly consistent rate once per month.

For special events, we also get special packs in the shop that will sell both doll selectors and materials to level them up for a good price (if you are a whale). These packs are not recommended for light spenders since the amount of gems you get are kind of bad.

Should you refresh dispatch missions to obtain Collectible Items?

Refreshing dispatch missions for the most part is never worth it to any players, doing so specifically for the chance to receive most of if not a full doll is not worth it to anyone except whales trying to doll all of their NIKKE.

If you decide to start refreshing dispatch missions, we recommend you aim to get maintenance kits rather than doll boxes, since those are a lot more valuable.

Combining Collectible Items

You can combine collectible items on a 4:1 ratio, but I would not recommend doing this right now. The probability to get an SR doll it’s only 2.5% meaning you benefit more from basic stat increase with R dolls on your characters.

Limitations of Collectible Items

When you equip a Collectible Item, you cannot remove it. It’s forever on that NIKKE unless you upgrade the rarity, make sure you are absolutely ok with putting a doll on a NIKKE.

We recommend that if you do use the limited dolls you have that you target NIKKE you use very often starting with DPS units and then moving to others. Following a tier list works too for priotiy on what dolls you should be focusing on first.

How to level up Collectible Items

NIKKE collectible items level up system

To level up Collectible and Favorite items, you need “maintenance kits” which you can obtain through the same means as the item themselves (Solo Raid and Dispatch missions).

Every 10 kits lets you level up aka “Maintain” the item with a possibility of phasing up (which is just a fancy term for level up). Collectibles can go from phase 0 to phase 15, increasing the raw stats and unlocking new skills, just like Harmony Cubes.

Like we mentioned previously, the rarity of the item doesn’t have anything to do with who can use it. Any R collectible item can be used on any SSR unit (and you should never put them on R or SR units unless waifu).

After you reach Phase 15, you can transform the Collectible Item into a Favorite Item (for select units) More will be added over time.

Note that if you’re using a blue doll, after phase 15 you’ll transform it into a purple doll and will have to go to phase 15 again to obtain the favorite item (if available).

Should I level up a blue or purple doll?

Sky made an amazing video going over the math behind leveling up dolls, but you should go from blue doll into purple doll to save resources instead of leveling up a purple doll directly.

However, if you don’t plan on leveling the doll for now and just leave it at level 1, I recommend equipping a purple one instead since the increase in stats it’s a lot higher.

Favorite Items

NIKKE favorite items guide

Only a few NIKKEs can currently get Favorite Items (Shift Up is expanding this roster over time) after you get your Collectible Item to Phase 15 you will be able to transform it into a Favorite Item that will extend the character skills and stats.

Note that the character needs to be LB2 (3 copies in total), bond level 30 and the Collectible needs to be SR rarity for this option to be enabled. You also unlock new bond stories and a new lobby wallpaper for the character, which is a pretty interesting way to expand on the backstories of some characters.

What is the priority for favorite items?

Helm → Drake → Exia / Miranda / Viper / Laplace (depending on your account) → the rest can be ignored

Favorite Item selection box

NIKKE Favorite Item selection box

The Mileage shop got updated with both the NIKKEs now added into the silver mileage (nice) and also every new “season” you will be able to buy with gold tickets a selection box for spare bodies of that unit.

PLEASE DO NOT BUY THIS. These units are not worth 200 gold mileage tickets, since that’s a guaranteed Pilgrim or Limited (collab or seasonal) character.