You might be asking this question to yourself… and there are two answers. Bastion and Resilience are, overall, the safe picks for most Nikkes.
The bastion cube allows you to shoot more bullets before you have to reload, which is quite nice for units with big magazines like Diesel and Modernia.
The resilience cube reduces the amount of time you have to reload, which is perfect for most units that take long to reload (shotgun users, assault rifles, etc).
This cube is perfect for your main DPS units like Scarlet and Alice, as it means they spend less time reloading and can have a bigger damage output.
That honestly depends on how you want to build your character.
On our website we have a lot of guides on characters that you can follow that tells you what cubes you can run on each character, most of them being resilience and bastion.
Yet again, that will depend on what build you want to go for when it comes to your Nikkes.
If you are just starting off, I suggest taking both Resilience and Bastion to level 3 and then focus on any of the two and get one to level 7 for better performance and extra units slots in the cube.
Nowadays bastion is what most people focus on since we got a lot of supports that provide reload speed buffs, making resilience lose some value.
Quantum (extra burst generation) and Destruction (damage to parts) are starting to see some usage too in the current meta.
The Assault cube is very good for Nikkes that have SMGs or shotguns to increase the chances of hitting the enemy cores and enemies that are far away.
As a general rule of thumb, hit rate is a stat that a lot of weapon types can ignore (machine guns, sniper rifles and rocket launchers).
There are some exceptions, like for example Modernia if she is not overloaded with hit rate, you can utilize this cube to abuse her skill 2 to the fullest.
The Onslaught cube is a good option for Nikkes that use rocket launchers or snipers if you don’t have the main cubes levelled up.
The bad thing is that it doesn’t increase charge speed, only damage. Also important, charge damage applies the % as additive and not multiplicative, making this cube weaker than the other recommended options.
One of the best cubes in the game alongside Bastion. A good option to use for new accounts and late game players.
Every character in the game benefits from a faster reload speed since it means more damage output or faster skills depending on the activation condition (last bullet, X amount of shots, etc.).
Bastion cube is very good for most NIKKES since the cube reloads your ammo after shooting 10 times by a certain amount.
Just like resilience all characters in the game can benefit from this cube unless they have a really long reload time.
This can be offset with characters that provide reload speed, making this cube best in slot for almost every unit in the game.
Adjutant cube is very good for sniper and rocket launcher characters, as they need to charge their weapon faster in order to deal damage or proc specific skills.
After you get Overload gear on your characters, this cube becomes less relevant, since you can get charge speed there.
Wingman cube is very good for any NIKKE, however because you are able to overload gear, one of the stats you can get on that gear is max ammunition capacity increase.
This defeats the whole purpose of the cube, which is why not many people use this cube anymore.
Over time, Quantum has become a cube that you can use in both PVP and PVE for characters that have underwhelming burst generation.
This applies for the most part to your supports that use SMG or assault rifles, since those have awful burst generation, like for example Liter and Blanc.
The Relic vigor cube is used for NIKKE that scale off max HP like 2B or units that buff based on their max HP, like Mast.
There are not a lot of NIKKE that can take advantage of this cube right now and when you get it at chapter 18, you should already have Bastion or Resilience levelled up, so not a lot of use for now.
As of the second anniversary, this cube is starting to see more usage as we get stronger units that also scale based off final max HP, increasing the value of the Vigor cube.
DEF is a weird stat in NIKKE since not a lot of units can make use of it properly, and it’s oriented more towards PVP, making this cube kinda niche.
Even after the second anniversary, for PVE usage, this cube is still not worth using.
Cube used exclusively for healers since HP Potency will increase any type of healing done by that unit.
Used mostly when your main cubes are full or if you have healers with low investment that need to pump up their heals.
Damage Taken is an amazing debuff if we’re talking about enemies, but not so great when it comes to applying it to your units.
You can take advantage of this cube if the combat power penalty is really big to reduce the damage taken, but at that point you’re getting one-shotted anyway, so the % provided by this cube will not be enough.
A worse Vigor cube. There are few situations where this cube can be useful, since it only procs when the HP of your character goes below 20%.
An example of units that would benefit from this is those who deal more damage the lower their HP, like Guillotine, but even then it’s a risky cube that provides less benefit than using the recommended ones.
A pretty good cube ONLY for bossing where there are parts respawning through the whole fight.
If parts are a one-time thing on the boss, is not worth bringing this cube since you can make better use of other cubes like Bastion over a 3-minute fight.