Daily Gacha Videos

Harmony Cubes



Published on: August 12, 2023

Last updated on: June 17, 2024

What are the harmony cubes

A harmony cube is a cube that you can equip to give your Nikkes stat boosts (attack, health, defense) as well as extra buffs, like charge speed up, reload speed up, and other things.

The only way (as of now) is to get them is from lost sectors, and the upgrade material (called batteries) can be found in the union raid shop, which you get from solo raid clears and also lost sectors.

Every time you upgrade a cube, it will enhance a stat. For example, upgrading a cube from level 1 to level 2 will enhance the first cube skill of that cube.

From level 2, 3 and 4, you unlock another slot to add another Nikke. When you reach level 5, you obtain a new cube skill. Level 6 opens another slot, level 7 enhances the second skill, and levels 8 and 10 provide 2 additional Nikke slots. 

Harmony cubes

Assault cube — unlocked after lost sector 1

Heat Up HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Hit rate ▲ X%

Anti Code HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Damage as strong element ▲ X%

The Assault cube is very good for Nikkes that have SMGs or shotguns to increase the chances of hitting the enemy cores and enemies that are far away.

For example, if you have Modernia and do not have her overloaded with hit rate, you can utilize this cube to abuse her skill 2 to the fullest.

Onslaught cube — unlocked after lost sector 2

Charge Damage Up HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Charge Damage ▲ X%

Anti Code HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Damage as strong element ▲ X%

The Onslaught cube is a good option for Nikkes that use rocket launchers or snipers if you don’t have the main cubes levelled up.

The bad thing is that it doesn’t increase charge speed, only damage. Also important, charge damage applies the % as additive and not multiplicative, making this cube weaker than the other recommended options

Resilience cube — unlocked after lost sector 4

Quick Reload HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Reload Speed ▲ X%

Anti Code HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Damage as strong element ▲ X%

One of the best cubes alongside Bastion. A good option to use for new accounts and late game players.

Most of your DPS units can benefit from reload speed as it means more DPS output on any stage.

Bastion cube — unlocked after lost sector 7

Reload Up HC
■ Activates when firing 10 round(s)
Reload ▲ X Rounds

Anti Code HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Damage as strong element ▲ X%

Bastion cube is very good for most NIKKES since the cube reloads your ammo after shooting 10 times by a certain amount.

It’s considered the best cube alongside Resilience and an option you can slot in most of your units without having to worry about what’s best.

Adjutant cube — unlocked after lost sector 9

Charge Speed Up HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Charge Speed ▲ X%

Anti Code HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Damage as strong element ▲ X%

Adjutant cube is very good for sniper and rocket launcher characters, as they need to charge their weapon in order to deal maximum damage.

After you get Overload gear on your characters, this cube becomes less relevant, as Bastion and Resilience will provide greater benefits.

It’s also mostly used in DPS units or healers that benefit from shooting more, like Rapunzel.

Wingman cube — unlocked after lost sector 11

Magazine Up HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Max Ammunition capacity ▲ X%

Anti Code HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Damage as strong element ▲ X%

Wingman cube is very good for any nikke, however because you are able to overload gear, one of the stats you can get on that gear is max ammo capacity increase.

This defeats the whole purpose of the cube, which is why not many people use this cube anymore. To learn more about overloading, click this link here.

Relic Quantum cube — unlocked after lost sector 14

Burst Charge Up HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Burst Gauge filling speed ▲ X%

Anti Code HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Damage as strong element ▲ X%

The Relic Quantum cube is good for any Nikke but only in PvP. For PvE is considered useless as the other cubes provide a lot more utility for your teams.

PvP meta is still bursting first, so giving this cube to Rocket Launcher or Shotgun units will slightly increase your chances of bursting first.

Relic Vigor cube — unlocked after lost sector 18

Priority: Health HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Max HP ▲ X%

Anti Code HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Damage as strong element ▲ X%

The Relic vigor cube is used for NIKKE that scale off max HP like 2B or units that buff based on their max HP, like Mast.

There are not a lot of NIKKE that can take advantage of this cube right now and when you get it at chapter 18, you should already have Bastion or Resilience levelled up, so not a lot of use for now.

Endurance cube — unlocked after lost sector 20

Defense Up HC
■ Activates when entering battle
DEF ▲ X%

Anti Code HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Damage as strong element ▲ X%

DEF is a weird stat in NIKKE since not a lot of units can make use of it properly, and it’s oriented more towards PVP, making this cube kinda niche.

Healing cube — unlocked after lost sector 21

Heal Up HC
■ Activates when entering battle
HP Potency ▲ X%

Anti Code HC
■ Activates when entering battle
Damage as strong element ▲ X%

Cube used exclusively for healers since HP Potency will increase any type of healing done by that unit. Used mostly when your main cubes are full or if you have healers with low investment that need to pump up their heals.

What is the best cube?

You might be asking this question to yourself… and there are two answers. Bastion and Resilience are, overall, the safe picks for most Nikkes.

The bastion cube allows you to shoot more bullets before you have to reload, which is quite nice for units with big magazines like Diesel and Modernia.

It also works on units with low magazines because it’s giving extra DPS every time the skill procs and gives you extra rounds.

The resilience cube reduces the amount of time you have to reload, which is perfect for most units that take long to reload (shotgun users, assault rifles, etc).

This cube is perfect for your main DPS units like Scarlet and Alice, as it means they spend less time reloading and can have a bigger damage output.

Which cube is better: Bastion or Resilience?

That honestly depends on how you want to build your character.

On our website, we have a lot of guides on characters that you can follow that tells you what cubes you can run on each character, most of them being resilience and bastion.

You can check out what each character should run by clicking this link here.

Which cube should we prioritize out of the two?

Yet again, that will depend on what build you want to go for when it comes to your Nikkes.

If you are just starting off, I suggest taking both Resilience and Bastion to level 3 and then focus on any of the two and get one to level 7 for better performance and extra units slots in the cube.

If you have questions about cubes, feel free to leave a comment or join our Discord with the link below.

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