Material H

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Written by Jay

Published on: 2023-11-06

Updated on: 2025-03-13

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A large stationary Rapture resembling a factory machine. Material Heretic is said to be used in reviving newly created heretics.

Material H is first encountered a little more than halfway in the story (12-24 BOSS) but has been used in encounters in much more difficult content.

This guide will be used to cover the mechanics used in the boss fight, and is the same across all game modes (so far).

Tips to beating Material H

This boss is extremely difficulty to manage, this is one of the most punishing bosses when a CP deficit is involved. If you are playing on the PC version of the game, it is highly recommended to play with the Aim assist function on. (Sorry mobile gamers)

There are several factors that can change whether your Material H run will be a successful clear or not, and what pushes those odds against you is dependent on the following:

All of the above factors have to line up even more the further away you are in CP.

End game content like Tribe Tower 150 and Union raid only make this more difficult by allowing the boss to scale into levels and HP so high that it’s 100% RNG on how well you do.

Material H attack patterns

One of the attack patterns is based on where Material H spawns the turrets or not:

A lot of the RNG spent fighting this boss is based on the above, there are cases where a lot of clears are based around the following to occur:

If the following happens, you are guaranteed damage for several seconds as you avoid all the damage, but the boss is stuck on this pattern till the summon expires.

If you are on the lower side of damage or facing a heavy CP deficit, then you will need for this to happen multiple times in a row. These are where most runs will either cause a reset or team death.

When Material H reaches critical HP < 40% HP, it will enrage and the following attacks will occur:

There is almost no surviving the laser if your Nikke are below 50% HP without damage reduction, shielding or constant healing.

The rest of the attacks will re-occur if you haven’t timed out or killed the boss.