Where to obtain currency? This shop uses gems and gold to buy resources, both really important materials obviously so please be careful what you buy here.
What should you buy? Early in the game, there’s no need to buy anything unless you’re completing the beginner missions. When you have spare gold, the ascension materials are good (only with gold, not with gems).
Where to obtain currency? You obtain this currency by dismissing units after pulling (green rarity, “N” units). As a F2P this currency is a little more precious compared to whales.
What should you buy? For free to play and low spenders, get only the purple signal pieces, you can ignore all the blue units. For whales the blue pieces are worth considering they will help you ascend your units faster.
Where to obtain currency? You get this currency by doing guild activities (check-in, bosses, etc).
What should you buy? You could wait until you clear campaign 21-17 so you can purchase LR gear directly. If you don’t want to wait that long, feel free to start buying gear earlier, this is up to you.
Where to obtain currency? You get this coins by doing your daily supply search runs.
What should you buy? Plugin boost chip search tickets. YOU DON’T HAVE TO USE THEM INSTANTLY, you can save them for later when you get more rewards per run. If you have spare currency, the rest of the search tickets.
Where to obtain currency? By participating in PVP events and daily missions. You also accumulate passive coins depending on your rank, so make sure to grab those.
What should you buy? SSR Proxyan signals and Set Change Toolkits for LR gear. You can ignore the rest of the materials since they hold less value compared to a random SSR units.
Where to obtain currency? Paid mission passes (not to be confused with event passes, those do not give tokens). The beginner mission pass also includes one token.
What should you buy? Whatever you like, this is 100% personal preference (Yuna is the best skin no discussions).