All the mechanics for this fight are exactly the same as the Level D version of the game, if you are looking for basic tips, then please check out the page here.
This guide will be covering how to handle the Special Individual Interception version of Alteisen Mark VI which, compared to the level D version, is the hardest Special interception to the majority of players.
The damage being dealt to players is pretty much lethal at all points of the fight, and will require a lot of damage and a bit of luck to get a clear in this encounter.
There are generally 3 ways to land a decent tier of rewards (Tier 6 or above)
The way targeting in Nikke works is a little odd, your units are in 2 different positions. Firing mode and Covered, enemies target and fire at only one of those positions. So changing the position at the right time will i-Frame the attack. The iframe will only negate the attacks that target a position that have already been fired.
So if projectiles are fired slowly, you have to reposition at the right moments based on the position you were in when they were fired. Noise is the easier of the two to manage, due to the nature of her weapon and how to proc the taunt.
Noise needs to release a fully charged launcher attack to taunt, and will trigger 100% of the time you full charge, so maintaining her taunt is much easier. If Noise is hit, however, she has no way of staying alive.
Credits to Dwi Bagas Iyantoro showcasing a Snow White strat with Noise
Credits to HMA for having the best Alice + Maxwell i’ve ever seen
Jay version clearing train with Sakura
Credits to SquishyRollingPanda