Daily Gacha Videos

PVP 101



Published on: July 19, 2024

Last updated on: August 19, 2024

Video version

Video going over the basic rewards in PVP, if F2P players can compete with whales, and how the game mode works.

Sword of Convallaria PVP

PVP in Sword of Convallaria is not mandatory, and you can, for the most part, ignore it completely. However, there are some free rewards and tricks you can use to make sure you grind all the rewards every season and that’s what this article will focus on outside explaining basic concepts on how this game mode works.

  • You have limited attempts per day, and your daily missions only ask you to complete one pvp match.
  • The currency you make with this game mode can only be used to buy traps for your defense team, no currency or any actual rewards.
  • You will complete all the basic rewards just by playing your daily matches, even if you auto and only attack low level players.
  • The basic PVP is not real-time, but they are working on that version for the future.

PVP Rewards

The main reason why PVP can be ignored is that both seasonal and rank rewards are not that great. You can get only 150 gems with the season rewards and up to 300 for the highest rank, which is going to be for whales and spenders for the most part.

You will end up completing this track by doing your daily attempts, so don’t worry too much.

Defense team

PLEASE PUT 6 LEVEL 1 CHARACTERS. Losing does not make you lose any points, and it doesn’t matter unless you are a whale trying to compete for the top spots. There’s a mission to kill enemies in PVP so you can help other players by putting just 6 level 1 units in there.

Even for spenders like myself, it’s easier to just put a low level character since you can help other players get easy victories and actually complete their PVP rewards. Example of a defense team with no traps and no units, just a random low level unit:

6 comments on "PVP 101"

  1. Anonymous says:

    I think it does a diservice to do 1 unit and no traps. To best help other do 6 weak units and groups of unleveled barricade or other cheap defense that can be killed together with aoes.

    These will help people get seasonal challenges

    1. Sefhi says:

      Yes, I gotta update the guide I made a video and forgot to mention it here, thanks!

  2. Meruem says:

    Just to answer, if your defense wins you do win MERIT (points you expend in facilities upgrade) and just a few GLORY (ranking points). For an example, I had a complete win over another player (saw the replay on Challenge Record) and received 100 MERIT and 2 GLORY.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Do you get points for winning on defense?

    1. Sefhi says:

      No, winning or losing on defense doesn’t affect your rank afaik

  4. Anonymous says:

    Defense is fun to me I like seeing other players challenge my formation and it helps me tweak it as well.

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