Daily Gacha Videos

Reroll guide



Published on: July 18, 2024

Last updated on: August 1, 2024

Before you reroll

Rerolling is a time-consuming process that, for 99% of players, is not worth it. It usually involves creating way too many accounts, re-doing the same tutorial and early levels over and over again until you get the character that’s meta or your preferred waifu.

That said, if you want the best possible start, play too many gachas and are used to rerolling already, let’s talk about the methods to reroll and the best characters to aim for in Sword of Convallaria.

Video version

Reroll methods

Reroll methods on PC

Sadly, the PC version doesn’t allow for easy reroll. You will have to create a new email account every time you want to reroll.

Reroll methods on mobile / emulator

The best method to reroll is as usual using guest accounts, which can only be done in the mobile version of Sword of Convallaria (or using an emulator).

  • To delete the guest account: Menu, account center, delete account.
  • To bind your account: Menu, account center, safety center, select your method to bind your account.

Reroll targets

Important: always check our tier list to see if the current banner is worth rerolling for or not.

There are multiple banner types in the game, and they constantly update them, so depending on when you start playing you might want to aim for specific ones:

  • Rate up banner: The usual rate up character with higher chances. All characters are added into the normal banner later, there are no limited units in this game (so far).
  • Double rate up banner: Same but two units you can get. You can’t select which one you want to aim for, so it’s random.
  • Normal banner: Where every character resides. Same chances for all the waifus and husbandos.
  • Weapon banner: This was introduced recently in TW. IGNORE THIS BANNER, it’s only for whales.

That said, there are always some units that it’s recommended rerolling for because they will make your life easier. You can clear all content with lower rarity characters, but some SSR units have been on top of the KR and TW tier lists since day 1.

  • Gloria is an amazing support unit and pretty decent damage dealer. Her flag mechanics are not too hard to grasp and provide everything your team needs when it comes to buffs.
  • Cole is an assassin that can keep spamming her abilities as long as she kills the enemy. Her kit is simple, but rather difficult to master.
  • Beryl is the strongest magic damage dealer since day 1 on both TW and CN servers.
  • Inanna is the best support / healer in the game since day 1. Can give your team an extra turn, summon a guard as fodder to reorganize your units and keep everyone healthy.

I would not recommend rerolling for a defender, since we get Maitha for free. These recommendations are based on the global release since Gloria should be the first banner, but once again, check our tier list to see who’s worth rerolling for.

21 comments on "Reroll guide"

  1. Ok Jose says:

    I got Col and Samantha in the singles after the 21 summons is it good or should reroll? Thanks in advance

  2. Kels says:

    Great site! I rolled a bit and got Col. leveled him up a bit and he is an insane damage dealer! Hopefully the RNG gods will let me get another legendary character soon.

  3. Puppy-Eyed says:


    As I already have Gloria, Col, and Inanna, should I go for Beryl or save?

    1. Sefhi says:

      I would save we are getting a low of good banners in the upcoming weeks

  4. Gojo says:

    First off, Great site! Thank you for putting in the effort for the community.

    Secondly, I’m enjoying this game and got Beryl on a Nth reroll (I did alot). I am now on chapter three, week 6 in the spiral of destiny and $30 bucks in for blessing, cornucopia, and one beginner pack. I feel like the summon gods have not been with me since and im now two Teadons in from both the beginner banner and limited banner lol. Should I reeoll my account or keep going strong in your opinion?

    1. Sefhi says:

      Teadon is hunting your account lmao.

      If you already spent money I would say keep it but if you don’t mind rerolling for a good start, definitely try to go for to good SSR and then get the selector

  5. DaSquid says:

    I have Magnus, Gloria, and Col after rerolling a bit. I plan on getting the SSR selector, who do you think I should get with it to round out the team?

    1. Sefhi says:

      Inanna 100%

  6. Karpson says:

    I just have got Gloria and Magnus with 20 first roll. Is this good? Should I keep going with this or reroll for another options?

    1. Sefhi says:

      That is pretty good honestly, I would keep that

  7. Junie says:

    So for the rerolling is there a point where we just reset? Do we just do the tutorial, do our 20 summons and if it’s bad we start again? Or is it recommended to go a bit further?

    1. Sefhi says:

      I personally did the 21 (and a couple singles) and rerolled if I didn’t get anything that I liked

  8. Diviner Michael says:

    I got everyone except inanna and i cant wait to pull her banner! also got gloria in 2x tap and 10x for col and berly double! i feel so lucky.

  9. Line says:

    do skip or use beginner banner?

  10. Ev says:

    Will I face difficulty if I don’t use meta-defining characters? Like something that can be completed in a minute became several minutes kind of stuff. Or something brain dead became something that need me to work my brain till its fried.
    Cause while the waifu is great and all, I prefer my husbando but sadly most of the men is on low tier.

    1. Sefhi says:

      No, you can clear with any characters you like but of course it will require a lot more strategy (which some people prefer)

  11. Truppel says:

    Let’s say I don’t reroll. Can I get 180 summons before the first banner fades?

    Like, is it feasible?

    1. Sefhi says:

      I did not play on release for TW so I can’t confirm if we’ll be able to hard pity the Gloria banner or not, let’s hope we can

  12. blacki says:

    do we get pre registration rewards on acc that are created AFTER release aswell?

    1. Sefhi says:

      If it’s like most gachas, we should get rewards for any account created the first week or two of the game release.
      It depends on the developer.

  13. scoopy says:

    I love the site! Also, first!

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