Daily Gacha Videos

Spender’s Guide



Published on: July 19, 2024

Last updated on: July 21, 2024

Before you spend

AFK type games are a sinkhole for players to throw money in hopes of progressing at a constant rate. The games themselves are designed to go exactly against that so that money is consistently flowing for them.

If you are like me and really enjoy this game because it is actually fun and the characters are to your liking, then you don’t mind occasionally putting some money into the games you enjoy.

This guide is solely for the purpose to tell you, the consumer, what packages and or “deals” are actually worth your money for what you are getting back. If you like the game even more than just a little and don’t mind the occasional splurge, then obviously you can buy more.

If you aren’t sure whether it’s worth spending money, then this guide probably won’t be for you. However, this guide can help you decide if you want to take the next step into getting packages that will be a benefit to you if you are a light spender.

Below we will be going over the cash shop, and just pointing out what packages having an efficiency level of 1.0 or higher (1.0 being you are getting back what you pay in terms of pulls per dollar) as well as any notable packages worth mentioning.

Video version

One time packs

These packs are available only once per account, and so far there is no news if they will ever be updated again. There are a couple that in my opinion are worth it:

  • SSR unit selector. Only includes the initial batch of characters for around $35.
  • 60 gem pack. Includes an SR character and some materials, cost around $1.
  • 980 gem pack. Includes x20 pulls which for the price is pretty good. Costs around $15.

Monthly packs

Sadly, Sword of Convallaria isn’t the best game when it comes to packs you can buy in the shop, and the monthly ones are no exception. Outside the monthly card and the x10 pulls you can get, I would not recommend anything here for light spenders.

  • Monthly card. x300 currency instantly, x80 currency every day for 30 days. Costs $5. Best value in the game.
  • 680 gem pack. Includes x10 pulls for around $10.

Weekly packs

Nothing here is worth it unless you are looking for more stamina. For 200 premium currency per week, you can get x200 extra stamina and some skip tickets.

Battle Pass

If you are looking for currency and pulls, this is not worth it for you. But for the majority of players, this is a pretty good deal because all the extra materials you can get + an SSR weapon selector (these weapons cannot be grinded).

  • Normal battle pass costs around $10 and includes all the rewards.
  • Premium battle pass costs around $15 and includes 3 singles, 10 levels instantly to the battle pass and some shiny furniture for your base.


Never buy premium currency as a low spender. The only reason to get the packs, it’s for the double currency you get the first time. Outside of that, it’s already crossing the line between low spender and whaling.

4 comments on "Spender’s Guide"

  1. SpediaX says:

    Honestly as a low spender this game really limits what I can afford, as of now (8/2024) nothing seems like a good enough purchase.

  2. Jerenator says:

    Was it inside the CN and TW selector also? Usually selector tickets only include the initial batch or the characters that have been released by a certain date.

    1. Sefhi says:

      Only initial units yeah. For some reason in global we do not have Gloria while CN/TW do, so maybe they add her later, still not confirmed tho

  3. Anonymous says:

    They removed Gloria from the selector… bouta uninstall.

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