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Support our contentSince a lot of people are asking what units you can marry and which ones are not available, I thought I would make a quick guide showing the girls you can marry right now in the Chinese version.
They slowly add more so be patient if your waifu doesn’t have one. For SR units, sadly, you’ll have to wait a lot longer.
Godly movement, decent stabilty DPS, falls off in late game contents due to no elemental damage in her kit, her ambush being unreliable on bosses and physical being a neglected damage type.
Works great even at V0.
V3 is a good upgrade but expensive so only pull more if you REALLY love physical.
She will get a better income of tuning stacks and skill points, but the damage she gains will be minimal if you do not have her V3.
Not recommended to get unless you really like physical AND have a V3 Daiyan.
The greatest dps this game has ever seen (at high investment). *Time to tell you all the truth* she isn't great at low investment, but she is good enough that you can use her in any horde content.
If you want to use her in single target situations then she really need her dupes. But the more you put into her, the more she will give back.
The more the better, V3 is minimum to use her in bosses scenarios and V6 is the last breakpoint. If you can't get V6, it's still better to invest in other elements unless you don't have to care about budget.
Great long range DPS with a preemptive strike that can stop enemies from moving or attacking if you killed them first.
Not great until you can get her V1 and needs a bit of micro managing so that her HP doesn't go down and her shield doesn't break, so you can get max value out of her ult.
Sniper doll so her movement is terrible, just don't bring her in extraction stages.
V1 is the breakpoint you want to use her in high endgame scenarios (frenzy boss, gunsmoke, crossroad challenges). You can consider V2 if your budget is flexible.
Nice damage boost with both mobbing and bossing. Plus the free attack after ult is quite significant as her skill point gain is quite low. If you have her built and/or V1, you should considering getting this key.
Completely free V6 SSR (after 36 weeks of grinding). Her robot helps you with some mechanics in gunsmoke and can do ok damage, but it can also die easily if you're not careful.
The robot also get an overwatch attack (at dupe 5 xd).
Not a terrible doll but she's just there to bypass some guild boss mechanics.
You get her dupes for free, but she's still does wet noodle damage after v6.
The core of fire teams with the most insane single target damage in the game even though she's a standard doll. She can do some decent AoE with her skill 2 + fixed key 4, but I don't recommend using it as the skill is very awkward.
Her movement range is also quite low so don't bring her in big extraction maps. Her ultimate stacks can go down very fast and hard to maintain so you need to micro manage a lot to get max damage with her team.
Worth going for high dupes as the higher you go the crazier she gets, but definitely not necessary (v3 is good enough imo).
V3 is the breakpoint you want, after that is just how much more damage you want her to do because from v3 to v6 her damage will keep going up.
This key not only boosts her damage but also allows her to use the fire boost set and utilize the burn damage buffs from Vector and Centaureissi's expansion keys. A very nice key to get for fire teams.
The second best survival option in the game, she can dispel debuffs (some debuffs like panic, induce and stun are lock behind dupes), apply shield and buff the team defense.
She can do some good stability damage with avalanche and her passive can heal all allies at the end of her action, further helping the team sustain.
Doesn't do much more than that at V0, higher dupes helps with her healing, defensive capabilities and buffing the team ice damage but you don't really need those dupes to be honest.
Most valuable dupe is V1 (and even then it's not really necessary) as there isn't a lot of ice DPS options to justify V2.
V1 is the best breakpoint, the rest are just overkill.
Great early game DPS option, good burst damage, extra action is broken but quite limited due to long cooldown. She gets better with dupe and being a standard pool unit it's quite common to get spook by her so maxing her is only a matter of time.
Low movement range without extra action. This changes entirely when her new key comes out, becoming borderline broken getting the extra action every turn.
But that also depends on if you have other water units on the field and the amount of dupes you have. Becomes top tier later on so you won't feel bad about getting her dupes, also boost other water unit value (sabrina, zhaohui, colphne).
V5 is the breakpoint to get max damage out your Tololo, she will get better and better starting from V2
Effectively a 100% damage boost as now she can get her extra turn every turn when any ally deals hydro damage and if you have Springfield's V1, you can give her 3 actions in a single turn.
A crazy good key and a must have if you want to use her effectively.
Free after you clear chapter 6. High mobility, decent mix of AoE and ST damage. Can push enemies into holes, dispel buffs, def shred and destroy cover (can also stun at v6).
Can't move after attack means her high mobility can get her killed sometimes if you don't pay attention (can be mitigated with dupe 1 and key 3).
Can only do good dps if you have slow on the enemies and physical dps dolls falls off in high level contents. She needs a lot of dupes to do good damage, but there are better standard option to invest dupes in.
Not good even at high dupes, you can use her if you want but don't pull her dupes.
You should only get this key if you want to use Yoohee and/or a physical team as it helps her debuffs uptime, other than that it doesn't really change much about her so I wouldn't recommend getting it.
Great tank and buffer for electric teams, must have if you want max value out of Belka. Very annoying in PVP with revive at low hp, shared damage and turrets summoning messing with dolls AI. You don't need any dupe or ssr weapon to get full value out of her.
She doesn't need any, but V3 is a good upgrade.
Best electric DPS, decent AoE with fixed damage from negative charge, very good mobility with teleports. Needs Andoris to maximize her damage.
Any amount of dupes will make her better, it just depends on how many pulls and how much money you are willing to spend for her.
As always if you are a low spender, V1-2 should be enough.
Great healer, decent buffer for fire team (even better with her new fixed key), gets more value out of her skill with overflowing flame so remember to apply it before using her skills.
Her buffs at V1 doesn't work well with extra action units (like Qiongjiu or Qiuhua).
She doesn't need any, her V1 buff will be deleted by a V5 QJ so it's usually better to keep her at V0.
A very needed upgrade as it will both boost her abitlity to keep dolls alive and boost their damage with burn boost and crit damage up.
It will also helps with her skill point income to use her ult more often. Once you get this, you can use her as the main healer for the fire team.
The main buffer for ice team, unfortunately doesn't work anywhere else.
Her damage and her buffs aren't significant so she isn't a must pull (her new key will upgrade her buffing and damage but only by a little).
Her personal damage and buffing capability will improve with the key, but the improvements won't be big enough to matter, as both her damage and buffs weren't that great to begin with.
Maybe when we have enough ice DPS units it will be recommended to get this key but as of now, you can skip it.
The jack of all trades of this game. She can do everything, defense buffer, AoE damage and ST damage. Unfortunately all the things she does aren't great and is easily outshined by SSR options.
She is a fine investment early game, but be careful not to put too much resources into her.
She will become a better tank, but it won't fix the problem that tanks without buffs or offensive ability are bad in both PVE and PVP.
There are way better options. Not a good key.
A PVP unit mostly with her insane ambush counter that stops dolls from attacking and using skills.
While she is fine in PVE content, Belka usually does more than her. But she doesn't function well until you have a good amount of dupes invested in her (V3 is the recommended minimum).
V3 is the breakpoint for her to be a useful doll, but very expensive and electric has better dolls at lower investment than Jiangyu so only get it if you wanna be a PVP main.
Insane crowd control unit with paralysis that can stop enemies from attacking (but won't stop them from moving).
But her ult downtime and skill point gain without dupes is quite bad, so she needs her V1 for better ult uptime and better skill point gain.
Other than that, she is quite niche because she doesn't give the team any damage boost. Her common key is quite nice to proc more paralysis, put it on units that have support attacks that act first like Centa.
V1 is great to unlock some of the QoL from her dupes.
A great support doll that can do many things like def debuff, dispelling buffs, boosting AoE damage.
She can be quite tanky with the self cleanse and def buff. Her damage isn't great because she's a support and she's tied to Klukai teams as she only boost AoE attacks and toxic damage so there's no point in pulling her if you don't have Klukai.
Don't need any dupes and I don't recommend getting any even if you have a V6 Klukai because before V6, her dupes only buff her personal damage.
If you can get V6 then I assume you are in a top 100 guild and want to push gunsmoke scores.
The new generation maki 💔. Really good single target damage even at low dupes, even better stability damage.
Not really good for mob stages as she can't do much to enemies behind covers and her summon also does not move so if the enemy moves around a lot her damage will suffer a lot. She really excels in open maps where the boss doesn't move a lot.
With high investment she can do insane damage, but her damage is also tied to your investment in springfield. As for which you should invest in more, you should just get V1 springfield as springfield is the more flexible option and get dupes of her later on rerun if you are interested in boosting her damage.
V2-3 is the best breakpoint for low spenders because her V1 doesn't really boost damage a lot. After that it's just a straight road to v6 because her V4-5 are basically filler dupes.
Great fire tank that can proc a lot of Qiongjiu assist attacks while also dealing really good damage (with dupes). F2P shouldn't invest into her as all of her damage is locked behind dupes and signature weapon.
At V0 she's only a Qiongjiu attack bot that can tank decently, but fire team has better dolls to use at lower investment anyway.
She can get to ridiculous level of damage at max investment. But v1-2 is the breakpoint you need, the rest depends on your budget.
Good mobility as a vanguard and her skill 2, assist attack when applying overflowing flame, can dispel with fixed key 6, good ST and AoE with a unique debuff that makes the enemies take even more damage.
Skill point hungry due to her ult needing all of her points to do more damage. Her common key is also insane for Qiongjiu.
Another good piece to put into the burn team. Dupe 1 and 2 are recommended for her get more skill points and do more dps but not needed.
V1-2 are the budget breakpoints to get more DPS. She's also really broken at higher dupes but that depends on your budget.
She does everything you want, increase stability damage, dispel 2 debuffs, counter, healing over time when you use skills or attack, max hp boost to 200%, extra action, give other water dolls skill point (lock behind V1), apply water weakness and healing reduction to enemies (convert enemies healing to damage with dupes).
Doesn't need dupes to help her healing capabilities like Suomi but the more you invest into her, the crazier she gets just like Klukai (more damage, better debuffs, more counter attacks, counter attacks proc after every water attack).
Very expensive but worth every dime you put into her.
V1 is the breakpoint for low spenders as it gives your Tololo 2 extra action a turn with her skill 2. The more dupes you put into her afterwards just makes the water team and her personal DPS go up.
V1 and signature weapon are the breakpoint I recommend for low spenders to get comfortable endgame clears, weapon is lower prio than V1.
Great DPS boost to fire team with some new debuffs, can generate scorch tiles to proc more overflowing flame so fire dolls can get more value out of their skills and immolation for more fire damage.
She can also do good damage with support attacks and fixed damage from the burn.
Purely damage focus which could be a good or bad thing depending on your roster. Works well at V0, but she gets more damage and better at supporting at v1-2 which are the recommended breakpoint.
V1 is the best investment you'll need for fire team, the more dupes you get the more damage your teammates and her will do, if you're a low spender you should just get v1.
Her signature is also very good and one of the best with Springfield's weapon so you can get that once you have V1 if you have the resources.
The ferrari of GFL2. Is she super expensive to build? Yes. Is she good? Yes (only at really high investment).
Do you need her? No, not really. Truck load of problems at v0 (can't buff, heal, cleanse the whole team). All of this is solved at dupe 1 but she is not functional at v0. Good enough buffer and healer at v1 but there are easier and better options to work around.
But if you are an spender, she is the 2nd best amplifier at v6 behind Springfield that can work everywhere (at v6).
V1 is the breakpoint you want to make her functional.
At higher dupe she will be the 2nd best support/amplifier for the highest difficulty or leaderboard rank chasing besides springfield, but it's an extremely expensive set up and springfield is still better value than her.
If you want to use her in physical, she has one good dps option so it's not recommended, maybe when there's a good physical dps you can consider it.
Great mobility with teleports, she can stun enemies but needs turbid debuff from other dolls at low dupes.
Bad damage at low investment even after buff (damage can be ok with springfield) but does have value cause she can proc tololo passive more often.
Needs a lot of dupes to be good so only use her at low dupes if you have Tololo and need a vanguard with high mobility that can stun.
A late bloomer like Jiangyu, very expensive to make her work. The more dupes you can get the better she will be but not really worth to pull cause there are better investment for water later.
V3 and V6 are the breakpoint for her to heal when dolls attack a target, better damage and get a team teleport.
Somewhat fixes her low damage and helps with her skill point gain, but you should only get this after getting some dupes or having a built Springfield/Tololo combo.