Where to spend Star Candy

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Written by Sefhi

Published on: 2025-01-14

Updated on: 2025-03-04

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Star Candy 101

Trickcal star candy 101 guide

In Trickcal RE:VIVE there are two types of stamina, the normal one you are used to in all gacha games, which is used for stages, events, and grinding gear, and then you have the star candy, which is different.

Star Candy fills up on daily reset to the maximum amount (180) and you don’t get anymore until the next day. This is one of the most important resources in the game, since it’s where most players will min-max their income for different resources, including character shards.

There are 2 that you can ignore, the other 3 will be preference depending on the status of your account. Here’s a short guide of all stages and when you should be grinding them, but more on that below.

Can I get more than 180 Star Candy per day?

Yes. There are three different ways, some free, some paid, some in between to get extra star candy every day:

  1. Mail. The Korean version sends every day 50 stamina of both types to all players so they can farm some extra resources. This is the only free way to get more Star Candy on a daily basis.
  2. Watching ads. Controversial way of gachas to give extra resources every day. I personally like it. If you are a f2p player, this is a good way of supporting the devs while getting extra resources.
  3. Monthly cards. Trickcal has 3 types of monthly cards. One for gems, one for stamina and one for Star Candy stamina. It’s worth getting all of them, but that’s a topic for another guide.

The Star Candy card gets you 120 Star Candy instantly and 60 extra every day while the normal Candy card gets you 200 Candy instantly and 100 extra every day.

What stages should I grind first?