If you want to know more about each character, you can click on them to read our full reviews. Any questions you have about the units, feel free to join our Discord and ask about it.
Cube: Vigor if unlocked for extra damage, if not Bastion since she already has a pretty good reload time.
Overload: Elemental damage take priority since she already gets enough ATK from her skills. Crit is the second priority, and you can get some extra lines with ammo or ATK as fillers.
Cube: Bastion or Resilience depending on how many lines of max ammo you have.
Overload: ATK and elemental damage take priority. After that, charge speed, damage and max ammo. Filler lines can be crit related.
Cube: Resilience for most case scenarios. If you have multiple lines of max ammunition OL, you could use Bastion.
Overload: Priority is getting 1 or 2 lines of charge speed to achieve 100%. After that, max ammunition, ATK and elemental damage are your best options. Some crit and charge damage can be used as filler lines.
Cube: Resilience. Vigor or Bastion are good alternatives if your Alice is OL with max ammo lines.
Overload: SMG Supporter. Outside of getting max ammo capacity, you literally don’t care what she gets.
Re-enters burst 1 making her a good healer without stealing buffs from your main burst 1. Can work anywhere but excels at buffing water type units.
Cube: She gives herself enough reload speed, so you can go Bastion.
Overload: Low priority to overload outside of getting more combat power. Does not matter what lines you get.
Cube: Since she’s shooting 1 bullet on burst and low ammo capacity anyway, you want to go Resilience over Bastion for her.
Overload: Avoid getting max ammo capacity. The best lines should go for ATK and elemental damage. Hit rate and crit are good filler lines.
Hyper carry and elemental buffer. Avoid using units that increase max ammo on the same team. Requires high investment.
Cube: Bastion. She only takes 1 second to reload in comparison to Scarlet, so you benefit more from the extra bullets.
Overload: You want 1 or 2 lines of max ammo capacity to offset her small magazine (20) by default. After that, focus on Elemental DMG and ATK. You can get crit lines as fillers. No need for hit rate since she already buffs herself on burst.
Cube: Like all machine guns; Bastion. For bosses with parts you can also run Destruction (if you have levelled it up).
Overload: Like every damage dealer ATK, elemental damage and max ammo take priority.
Cube: Quantum for better burst generation or Resilience for increased reload speed.
Overload: No worth to OL, but if you do, she doesn’t benefit from any specific substat. You can go for the usual max ammo capacity and charge speed since she is a RL.
Cube: Vigor to help with her heals or Resilience for faster reload.
Overload: Supporter unit that benefits from the CP gained from overloading equipment but not from specific stats.
Cube: Resilience or Bastion are the best option, like most units in the game. Quantum could be used if your team is low on burst generation.
Overload: Support unit so it doesn’t matter what you get. ATK, max ammunition and elemental damage are desirable but not required.
Cube: Resilience so you can spam for burst generation faster. Bastion if she has max ammo lines on her OL.
Overload: Benefits from the CP that overload gear gives, not any specific stat. Charge speed and max ammo if you manual her for burst generation.
Cube: Vigor, Bastion or Resilience. Depends on your team composition.
Overload: Like most DPS units, Elemental DMG, ATK and max ammo take priority. You can ignore charge speed for the most part. Charge damage and crit lines as fillers.
Incredible damage dealer. Worth building for all types of content, not only elemental. Beginner and auto friendly character.
40-second Burst 2 buffer for true damage. At the time of her release, there is only 1 character that can benefit from this, making her kinda useles.
Awful scaling as selfish Defender. No damage output. She deserves a memory wipe. Even with all that, would still smash to be honest.
Cube: Like most machine guns, Bastion cube is the play if you have enough max ammunition lines. If not, Resilience or Quantum.
Overload: Max ammunition capacity takes priority. After that, you can fill with elemental attack, AKT and DEF lines.
Niche usage for Wind elemental content, destroying parts and fast bursting. Provides immunity to stuns. Doesn't require a lot of investment.
Cube: Resilience. Charge speed or max ammo cubes if no empty spaces on Resilience.
Overload: Charge speed and Max ammo take priority. ATK as filler line, the rest doesn’t really matter. Two decent lines of charge speed / max ammo are more than enough, don’t try to get it on all her pieces.
Cube: Bastion if OL with enough max ammunition lines to shoot forever. Resilience otherwise
Overload: Other than max ammunition capacity, doesn’t really matter what stats you get.
Cube: Like all machine guns; Bastion. Unless you are super unlucky with overload stats and get no max ammunition, in that case run Resilience.
Overload: MG tank / support. Outside of getting max ammo capacity, you literally don’t care what she gets.
Cube: Resilience cube for faster reload.
Overload: Low priority to OL. Other than max ammo, doesn’t really matter what lines you get for her.
Cube: Resilience for faster reload. Avoid using Bastion since you want to proc skill 1 as often as possible.
Overload: Avoid getting max ammo capacity. Priority is ATK and elemental damage. Filler lines can be crit and some hit rate for better accuracy.
Cube: She can use either Resilience or Bastion.
Overload: ATK, elemental damage and max ammunition capacity take priority. After that, hit rate and crit for filler lines.
Can be used as DPS or support unit. Doesn't require a lot of investment.
Cube: Resilience cube for faster reload.
Overload: Elemental DMG and ATK if you are building her as a damage dealer. If you only want to use her as a support for shotgun teams, you can just get max ammo capacity and hit rate as extra lines.
Cube: Doesn’t really matter what cube you use, a big part of her damage comes from her drones. Resilience & Bastion are the usual suspects.
Overload: Elemental damage and ATK take priority. Since a lot of her damage comes from the drones, charge speed/damage is not mandatory but always welcome. Max ammo capacity and crit as filler lines.
Cube: Bastion if OL with enough max ammunition lines to shoot forever. Resilience otherwise
Overload: ATK and Max ammo capacity take priority. Elemental damage if you plan on taking her to raids. Rest of the lines are fillers with crit rate, crit damage and hit rate.
Cube: Resilience. If not enough space there, wingman.
Overload: Like every DPS, ATK, elemental damage and max ammo take priority. Charge speed and damage as filler lines.
Good for basic campaign stages with a lot of spawning enemies (Base defense, Zone defense) but useless anywhere else. Even there, hard to stack up her buffs.
Cube: Resilience for better reloads. Avoid using Bastion or Wingman.
Overload: ATK and elemental damage take priority. Charge speed and damage for filler lines. Avoid getting max ammo capacity.
Cube: Adjutant will help her skills a lot. If not levelled up, Resilience it's a good pick.
Overload: Max ammo capacity and charge speed are priority. You'll have an easier time maintaining her buffs.
Cube: Considering the burst gen she provides for the team, either Bastion or Resilience work wonders regardless of how many lines of max ammo you get.
Overload: ONLY 1 max ammo lines should be enough, no need for more. Elemental and ATK take priority. Critical damage and hit rate as filler lines. Crit rate as last option since she already gets a lot on her burst.
Cube: Resilience for low ammo build, if you’re going for infinite ammo, Bastion is better.
Overload: Max ammo, elemental damage and ATK take priority on most of your gear. You can also mix some crit damage / rate as filler lines.
Cube: Short reload time already, so you can use Bastion instead of Resilience.
Overload: Basic DPS stats. Elemental damage and max ammo capacity priority since she gets so much ATK already. After that, crit and ATK lines as fillers.
Cube: Resilience or Bastion.
Overload: ATK, elemental damage and max ammunition capacity take priority. After that, hit rate and crit for filler lines.
Good DPS for wind type content. She needs to be paired with hyper carries, since she duplicates ATK from other units.
Cube: Resilience for faster reload or Bastion if it has higher investment.
Overload: Like most units, she benefits from ATK, elemental damage and max ammo capacity. Other lines that will help her damage are charge speed and damage.
Cube: Resilience. Avoid using Bastion, since her skill 1 procs on last bullet.
Overload: Avoid getting max ammo capacity for skill 1. ATK, elemental damage are priority followed by crit rate and hit rate.
Cube: Bastion is the best cube for her since if you go for the treasure, she's highly invested.
Overload: Usual DPS build; Elemental DMG and ATK take priority. Charge speed is really good too depending how many rocks you are willing to use. A line of ammo is nice.
Cube: Bastion or Resilience.
Overload: Elemental damage and ATK take priority. Max ammo and crit can be filler lines. Low priority to actually overload over your DPS units.
Reduces full burst duration which usually means lower DPS for a lot of units. Good for long fights where enemies are close. Not recommended over any other shotgun, sadly.
Cube: Vigor for better shields since they’re based on your max HP. You can also run the usual Resilience / Bastion.
Overload: Max ammunition capacity, ATK and elemental damage since she is a machine gun DPS. The rest of the stats can be filled with crit rate and crit damage.
Cube: Resilience for faster reload.
Overload: ATK, charge speed and elemental damage take priority. Charge damage and crit for filler lines. Avoid max ammunition capacity.
Cube: Resilience for faster reload.
Overload: Usual DPS build; Elemental DMG and ATK take priority. Charge speed is really good too depending how many rocks you are willing to use. A line of ammo is nice.
Cube: Bastion. Your DPS units take priority over her, if no empty slots, can use resilience.
Overload: Not recommended to OL, but you can use max ammo capacity, elemental damage and ATK. Crit and hit rate is provided on her kit, so not necessary but good filler stats.
Sadly, increased pellets doesn't increase damage, making shotgun compositions quite limited. Versatile buffer for crit teams and people lacking other burst 2 buffer / supporter units.
Cube: Resilience or Bastion are the best option, like most units in the game. Quantum could be used if your team is low on burst generation.
Overload: Support unit so it doesn’t matter what you get. ATK, max ammunition and elemental damage are desirable but not required.
Amazing support providing offensive buffs and repairing the cover for the team. Used since day 1 and doesn't look like she's going anywhere.
Let the grandma retire Shift Up.
Taunt without heals means she dies most of the team if not paired with a decent healer.
Cube: Like most machine guns, Bastion cube is the play if you have enough max ammunition lines. If not, Resilience.
Overload: ATK, elemental damage and max ammo capacity. Good filler lines are crit rate and damage.
No need to invest in her burst if you plan on using Ludmilla only as an offburst.
Taunt without heals. Good unit for levels with a lot of enemies, but she can be killed really fast because of her taunt.
Cube: Using fast reload composition? Bastion. Other compositions? Resilience. It is worth considering Vigor cube ONLY if it’s levelled up. Raw stats from a level 9 Resilience cube is better than a level 5 Vigor.
Overload: Elemental damage and ATK take priority as usual. Max ammo and charge damage / speed as secondary lines.
Great electro buffer that doesn't require a lot of investment. Can also be used as DPS with higher investment. Limited unit.
Indomitability allows you to cheese some boss mechanics. Doesn't require a lot of investment.
Cube: Bastion if you have enough max ammo lines. Resilience otherwise. You can also run max HP or increased healing if you have issues surviving.
Overload: Focus on Elemental DMG and max ammo. ATK second priority since she gets a lot on her own already. Filler lines with crit and hit rate.
Cube: Resilience cube since she has last bullet mechanics, you want to avoid using Bastion.
Overload: Support unit that doesn’t benefit from specific lines. Avoid getting Max Ammunition since it will make her heal less consistently.
Good sustain for the team + storage mechanic. Doesn't require a lot of investment. Best belly in the game.
Cube: You can slot whatever you have available, doesn’t really matter. Resilience and Bastion as usual are the best options, even as filler.
Overload: Low priority to OL. If you do, it does not really matter what you get. Max ammo and elemental DMG are good lines, of course.
40-second burst 1 healer.
Can't keep up on most content because her cooldowns are too long.
Cube: Vigor for extra heals or Resilience for faster reload.
Overload: Doesn’t benefit from any specific overload lines. At high investment can act as a sub-dps and healer so you could get Elemental damage, ATK and max ammo.
Cube: Resilience. If you have enough OL max ammo lines, can use Bastion.
Overload: Crit rate, ATK and elemental damage take priority. The rest of the lines can have filler stats.
Good support for crit and Max HP teams on boss stages. Doesn't require a lot of investment.
Cube: She gives herself enough reload speed, so you can go Bastion.
Overload: Hit rate takes priority to offset skill 1 debuff. After that, you can do the usual max ammunition capacity. Rerolling for elemental damage and ATK it’s only recommended for people interested in raids since it’s really expensive for a support like her.
Cube: Resilience.
Overload: ATK, elemental damage and charge damage are high priority. After that, max ammo and crit are welcome. Least priority but still nice to get a line or two is charge speed.
Budget burst 1 buffer. Provides max ammo and damage taken reduced for the team. Takes time to fully stack buffs. No real usage for dispel right now.
Cube: Resilience / Bastion if you have max ammo capacity OL lines or Quantum if you need faster burst generation.
Overload: Doesn’t benefit from any specific lines of OL. If you decide to overload her, do it because the extra CP you will get.
Used for one-shot teams usually revolving around Snow White. Not really worth investing unless you are going for her treasure.
Cube: SMG units benefit from Bastion even at low investment. Quantum it's also a good option if you need more burst generation.
Overload: Max ammo capacity and hit rate are good lines. You don't really care what lines she gets since she will work out of the box.
Cube: Bastion like most machine guns. If she’s not built with one hit rate line, Assault.
Overload: Important to get 1 line of hit rate. Rest of priority goes to max ammo capacity, ATK and elemental damage.
Cube: Resilience or Bastion, like most units in the game will benefit Naga the most.
Overload: Basic stats for Naga: Elemental DMG, ATK and max ammunition capacity work.
One of the best support in the game even without using Tia. Doesn't require a lot of investment. Can be used on any team as your main support.
Defensive unit with Taunt and increase HP potency but difficult to use due to lack of self recovery
Cube: Bastion is the best cube for most shotguns. She’s the fastest reloading shotgun in the game, so no need to use Resilience.
Overload: Support and sub-dps unit, so it doesn’t really matter what you get. Elemental damage, hit rate and max ammo can help.
Amazing support if paired with Blanc or Rouge. Doesn't require a lot of investment but it's recommended. Can be used on her own as support
Cube: Resilience or Bastion works, whatever is highest level or you have an spot available.
Overload: She’s a taunter / healer that doens’t benefit from any specific lines of OL. The default popular lines can help her with max ammo, ATK and elemental damage.
Cube: Resilience, Bastion, or Quantum. Whatever you have with an empty slot is good. Quantum is a good cube for extra burst generation on support units like Novel.
Overload: Other than max ammo capacity, the rest of the lines can be whatever you get since she doesn’t deal that much damage. Hit rate, ATK and elemental damage are always welcomed stats.
Decent single target debuffer (Increased damage taken debuff). Fairly weak kit outside the debuff
Cube: Resilience. Avoid using Bastion or max ammo.
Overload: Avoid max ammo capacity. Priority for ATK, hit rate and elemental damage.
Decent healer that benefits from manual play. Avoid using with units that increase max ammo. By second anniversary standards, not a good option for sustain.
Cube: Resilience. Bastion can work if you’re using a fast reload team and have enough max ammo capacity lines.
Overload: Like most DPS units, Elemental DMG, ATK and max ammo take priority. She can benefit a lot from hit rate lines and some crit as fillers.
Strong shield but long cooldowns + 40-second burst. Doesn't need high investment.
Cube: Resilience. Avoid using Bastion since you want skills to proc on last bullet.
Overload: ATK and elemental damage are priority to increase her damage. The rest of stats can be fillers with hit rate, crit rate and crit damage. Avoid getting max ammo.
Cube: Like most shotguns, Bastion. She already has reload speed thanks to skill 2, so doesn’t need Resilience.
Overload: ATK and Elemental damage as priority. Max ammo and crit rate as filler lines. Hit rate is good, but she also gets it on her basic attacks.
Amazing shotgun DPS. Pairs well with increased pellets and/or attack speed units. Needs high investment for full potential. Mostly finds a place as a staple unit on electric weak type raptures on raids.
Decent sustain for DPS units and herself. The % on her skills are small compared to similar units so only used when nothing else is available.
Cube: Bastion is the best pick if properly invested. As a last resort and if not invested, you can run Assault cube.
Overload: Like most DPS units, Elemental DMG and ATK take priority. After that, max ammo capacity and hit rate are great additions.
Strong water DPS for bosses and single taget damage. Needs high investment with hit rate and elemental lines plus skill investment in order to shine.
Cube: Bastion if you have enough max ammo lines. Resilience otherwise.
Overload: Focus on Elemental DMG and max ammo. ATK second priority since she gets 95% on her own already. Filler lines with crit. You can ignore hit rate.
Too strong. Best burst 1 and burst 3 in the game. Best fire and iron DPS in the game. Best CDR and even when acting as burst 1 provides amazing damage on her own.
Cube: Vigor can help with her heals, otherwise go with Resilience for faster reload.
Overload: Doesn’t benefit from any specific lines of OL, so go with the default max ammo capacity and charge speed, the rest can be fillers.
Cube: Vigor or Resilience. Max HP is good for her shield, if not resilience for better reload times.
Overload: Some max ammo capacity is good, but it doesn’t matter what stats she gets. Low priority to overload unless you need CP padding.
Cube: Resilience or Bastion.
Overload: More charge speed equals more damage. Aim for at 2-4 lines. Rest of the priority is ATK, elemental damage and max ammo.
Welfare unit from anniversary. Decent taunt with her decoy, but only works once per battle.
Cube: Like all machine guns; Bastion. Unless you are super unlucky with overload stats and get no max ammunition, in that case run Resilience.
Overload: You want 2 good lines of max ammo capacity (or 3 if unlucky with % rolls). After that, focus on Elemental DMG and ATK. You can get crit and hit rate lines as fillers.
Cube: She can use either Resilience or Bastion depending on how much ammo you get and if there are reload speed buffers in the team.
Overload: Like most DPS units, Elemental DMG and ATK take priority. After that, a couple lines of max ammo capacity are really good since she's an assault rifle.
Cube: Like all machine guns; Bastion. Unless you are super unlucky with overload stats and get no max ammunition, in that case run Resilience.
Overload: Since she is a DPS / healer, focus on max ammunition capacity, elemental damage and ATK. Filler lines can be crit rate / damage, and you can ignore hit rate.
Cube: Resilience, Bastion and Quantum work depending on your team composition.
Overload: Low priority to overload. Doesn’t really matter what she gets. Max ammo is a nice addition, but not necessary.
Cube: Resilience if overloaded with max ammo. If not, Wingman works.
Overload: The only thing she needs is a couple lines of max ammunition capacity. Of course, any type of elemental lines will also help if you’re min maxing.
Cube: Resilience over Bastion unless you are willing to get enough max ammo lines on your OL.
Overload: Max ammo capacity if you get lucky with your rolls, but don’t waste rocks on her please.
Cube: Both Resilience and Bastion work wonders with her.
Overload: Like most attackers, ATK and elemental damage take priority. Crit damage and rate are good fillers.
Cube: Resilience is always the answer. She takes way too long to reload, so it’s perfect until you build her with enough ammo. At that point, you could potentially run Bastion depending on your team composition.
Overload: Biggest priority is max ammo capacity, since her base clip size is 20 bullets. ATK and elemental damage are second priority, leaving you with filler lines for crit and hit rate.
Cube: Bastion. Even playing without bunny girls, she can self sustain and get infinite ammo with a couple good lines and the cube.
Overload: At least 1-2 lines of max ammo capacity for self sustain. After that you can focus on adding more damage with ATK, elemental damage and a mix between crit and charge damage / speed.
Amazing single target damage. Despite being a rocket launcher, can be built for infinite ammunition if you get 1-2 lines of max ammo and use bastion cube.
Like normal Scarlet, can be used on most content as a DPS without worrying about team compositions.
Selfish burst 2. Damage dealer unit that does nothing for the team since her skill % numbers are low.
Cube: The cube you have with the highest level or ATK value, since you are fishing for crits most of the time with Snow White.
Overload: ATK, elemental damage and charge speed / damage are priority for SW. Charge speed is necessary even while paired with units like Maxwell, aim for 2 lines at least.
Cube: Bastion like most shotguns is BiS, but you can also go for reload speed with Resilience.
Overload: Used mostly for raids and elemental content, focus on getting elemental damage, ATK and max ammo capacity. Your filler lines can be crit related, you can skip hit rate since she buffs herself.
Good DPS for shotgun teams. Hard to justify bringing her outside that niche. Needs a unit to duplicate stack count of buffs to sustain damage. Extends Full Burst by 5 seconds, making compositions a little bit tricky.
Potentially can have one of the highest damage in the game, but the conditions are just too tedious. Constantly 100% HP and full investment on a situational unit.
Decent damage output limited by long reload speed. Selfish DPS so only used for bosses where shotgun teams can shine.
Cube: Resilience for faster reload. Quantum could work if your account is low level and you don’t have any more spots open on other cubes.
Overload: Other than ATK for her heals, the rest of the stats can be fillers. Charge speed and max ammo capacity are good options.
Cube: Bastion if invested with OL max ammo lines. Resilience otherwise.
Overload: Low priority to overload. Max ammo and ATK are good lines for her.
Sadly, increased pellets doesn't increase damage, making shotgun compositions quite limited. Versatile buffer for crit teams and people lacking other burst 2 buffer / supporter units.
Cube: Resilience. She takes 2.52 seconds to reload so there is no reason to use any other cube at the moment.
Overload: Charge speed and max ammo capacity are the only lines she really cares about to help her with skill 1. Low priority to overload.
Cube: Resilience is the best option so she doesn’t take three years to reload.
Overload: Max ammunition capacity, ATK and elemental damage since she is a DPS. The rest of the stats can be filled charge speed / damage and some crit.
Good unit to fill teams for elemental content. Vamp mechanic has no usage in the current meta. Burst 2 supporter with low utility for the team outside skill 1.
Cube: Resilience cube for faster reload. If you get enough max ammo lines, you can also use Bastion.
Overload: Elemental DMG and ATK take priority as usual. Filler lines can be max ammo capacity and hit rate.
Cube: Whatever is the highest level on your account between Bastion, Resilience, or Quantum.
Overload: Doesn’t benefit from any specific lines of OL. If you decide to overload her, do it because the extra CP you will get.
CDR unit. Critical buffs are still not amazing in NIKKE but recently Shift Up has started releasing units that can take advantage of them.
Best jiggle in the game.
Cover HP recovery is welcome, but the rest of her kit is too niche. Outside one-shot teams, there is no usage for her right now.