Do you want a GUARANTEED 1-tap on your favorite character?
I got you. I’m Sefhi and I’ll make sure your resources are well spent by saving time with your pulls, zero shafts as proven on every single stream we do.
*no refunds.
I have let Sefhi pull for every single banner since I started playing Nikke, and every single time he has one tapped the featured unit. I have no non-featured units because Sefhi doesn’t pull off banners.
One time I begged him for a helm but nope… he pulled the featured unit and 2 Scarlets….what the heck am I gonna do with 2 Scarlets?
Anyway take my advice. If you want the rate up unit in one tap…. Sefhi is your man.
Sefhi has unlocked a new level of “luck” in the world of gacha games. Watching his disastrous pulls is like witnessing a trainwreck in slow motion. If you enjoy the feeling of impending doom, his channel is a must-watch.
Sefhi promises to be the ‘1-tap master,’ but in reality, he’s the king of disappointment. His content is a rollercoaster of hope and despair, with the odds always favoring the latter.
Sefhi’s content is like a tragicomedy. His awful pulls are so consistently bad that it’s actually funny. His misfortune might not be enviable, but it sure is entertaining.
Sefhi embraces the agony of gacha pulls so we don’t have to. He’s our sacrificial lamb in the world of loot boxes, enduring the pain for our entertainment. Truly a martyr of misfortune.
Sefhi finds humor in the darkest of places – the abyss of gacha pulls. His content is a hilarious reminder that sometimes, laughter is the only way to cope with abysmal luck.
Whenever Sefhi pulls for me on every banner I get an eerie feeling of emptiness, because I know that he has gotten me my desired unit on the first 10 pulls.
Although people have associated him with shafting his viewers. Fear not Sefhi is one with pity his skill when pulling on the rate banner are immaculate. He was the one who gotten me my first pilgrim which was a Scarlet, the best unit in the game.
What can I say when Sefhi pulls for me I get what I want. You should trust him too, you’ll never be disappointed.