May 4, 2024

Wuthering Waves stealing from Genshin Impact

Too lazy to read? I got you 🫡

The accusations

People are claiming that Kuro Games is stealing ad spots from Genshin Impact for the upcoming release of Wuthering Waves, but… what’s really going on?

Let set the record straight, this is nothing but uninformed people that do not understand how marketing in general works and instead of doing their research, prefer to go to Twitter or Reddit to claim other companies are stealing from their favorite game, Genshin.

Guerrilla Marketing

What Kuro is doing is known as Guerrilla marketing, and it’s a widely used practice everywhere, not only in videogames. In this case, Kuro is simply paying more money for ad space that’s commonly been used by Hoyoverse in the last 2 years.

That’s it. They’re spending more money than Hoyo meaning they have the rights to use that space. The company selling the ad-space doesn’t care about what your favorite game is or who is putting the ads up, they only care about how much you are willing to spend.

App store ads

Another example of guerrilla marketing can be seen in the app store in both Google and Apple. If you search for a game, the sponsored results are other companies targeting the specific game you are looking for in an effort to convert you to their IP instead.

So… they are not stealing?

Of course not. It’s common practices in marketing, but people prefer to cry on social media before doing basic research to understand what’s going on.

I used to work at a marketing agency and the practices some companies do are way worse than just spending more money for the same ad-space their competitors are using.

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