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Ade build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

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Bastion. If not overloaded with max ammo lines, you can use Resilience.

Stat priority

The only stat she cares about is max ammo capacity for skill 2. Other than that, you don’t have to worry about stats on her.


Normal Attack
■ Affects target(s) enemy.
Deals 14.71% of ATK as damage.
Deals 200% damage when attacking core.

Skill 1: Cleaning Time
■ Activates when entering battle. Affects all allies.
Perfect Maid: Gain debuff immunity to 1 debuff(s) and stacks up to 1 time(s) continuously.
■ Activates when own HP falls below 90%. Affects all allies.
ATK 5.19% of caster’s ATK for 5 sec.

Skill 2: Rest Time
■ Activates after 420 normal attack(s). Affects all allies.
Perfect Maid: Gain debuff immunity to 1 debuff(s)s and stacks up to 1 time(s) continuously.
■ Activates after 120 normal attack(s)s. Affects all allies.
Max HP 15.62% of caster’s Max HP without restoring HP, last for 5 sec.

Burst Skill: Mealtime
Active – 20.00S
■ Affects all allies.
Max HP 25.15% of caster’s Max HP without restoring HP, last for 10 sec.
ATK ▲ 10.15% of caster’s ATK for 10 sec.

Character traits


– Victorian maid


– No real usage for immunity / cleanse on most content right now
– ATK buff modifiers are quite low
– 420 bullets per immunity proc is way too much for an assault rifle


After Maid Privaty we get a unit that’s a lot simpler to evaluate and, sadly, a lot easier to skip for most players since her kit isn’t that impressive. Let’s start with her skills, then talk about immunity to debuff and some weird gimmicks it has, and finish with team compositions.

Skill 1 will give you a stack of immunity to debuff that’s permanent and will be consumed the moment any of your units get afflicted by one, making all of them immune to it. This is pretty good for fights like Crystal Chamber… but it’s already gone and for chapter 28 most people will have meta teams invested rather than worry about using Ade.

This skill also gives you an ATK buff for 5 seconds when Ade’s HP it’s lower than 90%. It has good synergy with the rest of her kit, but the modifier and duration itself is not good enough. You can’t maintain uptime all the time or consistently enough to be worth investing in this skill. Low priority, can even leave it at 1.

Skill 2 is a weird one. She will give you another immunity stack every 420 bullets, which, for an assault rifle, will take too long to consider useful on most fights such as Crystal Chamber or even Ultra. Since you can just use cover repair on Ultra or pick skill 2 on Crystal Chamber to avoid the debuff, it’s hard to justify bringing in a unit like Ade.

The second part of the skill will activate every 120 bullets, which is a lot better, giving max HP to everyone without restoring HP, giving us good synergy with skill 1 and units like Guillotine, more on team compositions below.

This skill requires low investment since at level 3 it will increase max HP by 10% already, making it easier to reach the threshold of skill 1. You could invest more potentially if you want more max HP, but with how many materials we get, most people will not be able to justify it.

To finish things off with her kit, her burst is a 20-second (nice) cooldown increase on max HP without healing and ATK buff for 10 seconds. This isn’t too bad, but there are better options if you need max HP without healing, like Mast.

This will also get good synergy on every rotation with skill 1 since she will go below 90% HP, making it easier to proc. I would personally not recommend investing in Ade unless she is your waifu, since the bosses that can debuff us right now are limited, and you get the immunity anyway with low investment and no OL gear.

Immunity gimmicks

When we talk about immunity to debuff and enemies, it’s easy to understand how it works, but what about weird gimmicks with other units? There are currently 3 that you need to be careful or at least consider when building your teams.

A2 burst Mode B will be removed with the immunity since the debuff and buff are counted as 1, even if shown as different on your character tab while in battle.

Modernia skill 1 (reduced max ammo capacity) counts as a debuff, but it’s stackable, meaning you will only dispel as many stacks as you currently have applied on her, and then she will get more. So immunity is… more of a cleanse rather than true immunity. Once again, Shift Up with odd wording in English.

Privaty skill 1 has the same issue as Modernia, you will be able to keep the buffs and remove the reduce max ammo capacity debuff, but on the second rotation it will apply again if you don’t get another stack of immunity.

Unit synergies

Max HP units that don’t need to be healed are quite limited right now since we only have Guillotine and Scarlet, with the second actually being able to play on any team regardless of heals or not. Ade will be able to fit on a lot of teams for people that lack a full roster, but she will get the best synergy with Guillotine, Quiry (healing based on max HP) and 2B.

Should you reroll for Ade?

No. She has no real usage right now in the current state of the game since her modifiers are low for a support unit and cleanse / immunity find no place outside a couple bosses you don’t see often.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

2 comments on "Ade"

  1. Smugly Default says:

    I guess this is another unit that will be relevant a year later. Throwing on the wishlist just in case

    1. Sefhi says:

      Yeah there’s not a lot of use for her right now, other than wishlist material save for the next strong unit

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