Daily Gacha Videos

Alice: Wonderland Bunny

40 seconds

Alice: Wonderland Bunny build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst
For a full invested Alice you can go 7/10/4, skill 1 could stay at 4 depending on how much healing you need on the team.

Best harmony cube

Resilience. Vigor or Bastion are good alternatives if your Alice is OL with max ammo lines.

Stat priority

SMG Supporter. Outside of getting max ammo capacity, you literally don’t care what she gets.


Skill 1: Carrot and Bunny Party
■ Activates after 60 normal attack(s). Affects all allies.
Recovers 7.4 % of caster’s final Max HP as HP.
Carrot Party: Damage to interruption part ▲ 2 %, stacks up to 5 time(s) and lasts for 5 sec.
■ Activates after 90 normal attack(s). Affects all Water Code allies.
▲ stack count of buffs by 1.

Skill 2: More Carrots
■ Activates after Full Burst ends. Affects all allies.
Burst Gauge filling speed ▲ 10 % for 5 sec.
■ Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects all allies.
Max Ammunition Capacity ▲ 40 % for 15 sec.
Reload 40 %.

Burst Skill: Precious Big Carrot
Active – 40.00S
■ Affects all allies.
Re-enter Burst Skill Stage 1.
Recovers 27 % of caster’s final Max HP as HP.

■ Activates when Carrot Party is fully stacked. Affects all allies.
HP Potency ▲ 150 % for 15 sec.

Character traits


– She doesn’t make shotgun teams hit harder, but now you have a full functioning team with a healer (until a CDR unit comes out)

– Even at low investment on skill 1 she heals pretty consistently thanks to the fire rate of SMG weapons. With OL gear it only gets better

– Overall good healer that doesn’t compete with your other burst 1 with incredible HP potency on burst even at low investment

– She can sustain Carrot Party max stacks every other rotation on her own without depending on any other unit / weapon type

– Can proc Crown skill 2 Attack Damage with 100% uptime


– Healing output is decent but not enough to sustain units like A2 with Mode B. For units like Scarlet, it’s good enough

– As a support, she’s “tied” to Water type teams because of her skill 1, losing value if she’s not supporting those NIKKEs

– It’s still not worth investing in the full shotgun team for most players, Shift Up thinks we get enough resources clearly they test their own game xdx

Should you reroll for Alice: Wonderland Bunny?

No. She’s a decent healer that doesn’t steal a burst spot in your rotation but provides no damage buffs for the team, making it really hard to justify rerolling for her.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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