Daily Gacha Videos


A Nikke from Aegis squad, who is passionate about marine life. She is equipped with high-performance radar detectors inside her body, so she has made a significant contribution to the Admire’s voyage and combat.

ClassRocket Launcher
Burst typeBurst I
Normal Attack
■ Affects target(s)
Deals 61.3% ATK as damage
Deals 200% damage when attacking core
Skill 1: GS
■ Activates when the last bullet hits the target. Affects the target
Taunts for 5 sec
■ Activates when the last bullet hits the target. Affects self
DEF 23.82% for 5 sec
Skill 2: MDS
■ Activates when entering battle. Affects self
When attacking an enemy projectile, damage dealt to that projectile ▲ 25.6% continuously
Burst Skill – CIWS
Active – Cooldown 20 seconds
■ Affects all enemies
Deals 304.45% of final ATK as damage


– 20 second burst with decent damage
– Decent early game unit, but quite replaceable.
– Cute


– Burst 1 slot is competitive and there are other SR units that bring more to the team (Support wise)
– Limited time login/event unit, once she’s gone… she’s gone
– Taunt, but nothing to actually keep her alive, the defense buff is abysmal for any content that isn’t extremely early on


Anchor is another unit given for free to the player base as part of an event.

Despite how she fits in the story and how funny her dialogue can be, she lacks a lot even for an SR unit, so being an event unit only means she was there for show and nothing more.

She doesn’t bring anything to a team that other Burst 1 units couldn’t even as an SR, units like N102 do more for an entire team just by existing and will benefit you more than Anchor would with her damage.

If you like her and are available to login and do the event story, then she is a nice free character to collect, but we would not recommend using her as she doesn’t do enough to benefit you, unless you literally just started playing the game and were somehow unlucky with early pulls.

Should you reroll for Anchor?

As Anchor is an event based unit and is given to you for free, you would get her regardless of rerolling and your rerolls would not be effected based on whether you would want her or not.

She won’t change much for your account if you are a reroller anyway, so you shouldn’t worry about it.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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