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A girl that knows exactly how to survive in this forlorn world. Somewhere in between somber Rapi and off-the-wall Neon, she is fond of telling jokes to lighten the mood whenever things get too tense.

WeaponRocket Launcher
Burst typeBurst II
Normal Attack
■ Affects target enemy.
Deals 65.02% ATK as damage.
Charge Time: 1 sec.
Full Charge Damage: 250% of damage.
Skill 1: D.H. Formation
■ Activates when attacked 40 time(s). Affects self.
DEF ▲ 120% for 10 sec.
Skill 2: C.H. Formation
Active – Cooldown 10.00S
■ Affects 2 allies with the highest ATK.
DEF ▲ 80% for 5 sec.
Shares damage taken for 10 sec.
Burst Skill: Pinpoint Missile
Active – Cooldown 20.00S
■ Affects all enemies within attack range.
Deal 156.73% of ATK as damage.
DEF ▼ 32% for 5 sec.


– Top tier burst generation in the game, super useful in PVP
– Can take damage away from your DPS and increase her DEF


– SR units scale awfully in Nikke
– Other than burst generation or PVP, she has no real usage


One of the best SR units in the game and the best girl in the Counters squad, Anis is a rocket launcher unit that gets used mostly for PVP and early campaign progression if players need more burst generation on their teams.

Skill 1, D‎.H Formation increases her own defense by 120% which is amazing, but only when she’s attacked 40 times. The problem? She doesn’t have any taunt capabilities, meaning this first skill is completely random, and we don’t know how often it can proc.

Skill 2 increases defense by 80% for 5 seconds and shares damage taken with them for 10 seconds on a 10-second cooldown, pairing this skill with her burst generation is what makes her so good for PVP.

Last, her Burst Skill has a defense down for all enemies within range and deals some extra damage, which is honestly nothing considering her base damage as an SR defender unit.

The issue with her kit is that skill 1 is of no use unless another unit can make Anis become the only targetable unit, and she’s competing with meta support units like Blanc and Naga while the only thing she’s providing is damage sharing and defense down on enemies.

Should you reroll for Anis?

No. Never reroll for SR units in this game, you’ll get all of them anyway.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

2 comments on "Anis"

  1. Aino says:

    How about Skill priority for Anis?

    1. Sefhi says:

      She’s not worth levelling up unless she’s your waifu sadly.

      I would go Skill 2 > Burst > Skill 1

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