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40 seconds

Biscuit build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Vigor or Resilience.

Stat priority

Supporter unit that benefits from the CP gained from overloading equipment but not from specific stats.


Skill 1 – Happy Puppy
■ Activates at the end of Full Burst. Affects all Attacker allies.
Critical Rate of normal attack ▲ 5.77% for 10 sec.
Constantly recovers 1.53% of caster’s Maximum HP every 1 sec for 10 sec.

Skill 2 – Tug of War
■ Activates when a Defender ally’s HP falls below 50%. Affects the target Defender ally.
Invincible for 5 sec. Activates 2 time(s) per battle.
Recovers 23.26% of caster’s Max HP. Activates 2 time(s) per battle.

Burst Skill – Walk Training
Active – Cooldown 40 seconds
■ Affects 2 ally unit(s) whose cover has been destroyed.
Rebuild cover with 93.6% HP.
■ Affects all Supporter allies.
ATK ▲ 43.08% for 10 sec.
Restores 55.44% of attack damage as HP for 10 sec.

Character traits


– Good burst generation
– Can cheese some content with her cheat death skill paired with a good Defender
– Pretty good support unit; rebuilds covers and heals Defenders and Attackers


– Chihuahua
– 40-second cooldown on her burst means double Burst II


Biscuit is a good support unit that is viable in both PVE and PVP content thanks to her burst generation and her ability to make your defenders cheat death 2 times (if you can heal them).

Her first skill heals your Attacker Nikkes at the end of the burst, providing extra healing to your team.

Her second skill allows your Defenders to cheat death 2 times per battle for 5 seconds if their HP falls below 50%.

Important to note, you need a healer to keep your Defenders above 50% of their health in order for this skill to proc, meaning Biscuit cannot be your only support unit in the team.

She’s also the third Nikke that heals the cover of your units with Cocoa and Liter, but she’s the first that can actually rebuild the cover if it’s broken. This is an excellent skill if you pair it with a decent healer that will provide a ton of survivability to your team.

Biscuit is a fantastic unit that will find a place on some Special Interceptions and PVE content where you require the extra survivability. She can also be used in PVP thanks to using a rocket launcher and the current meta of burst first and nuke.

Should you reroll for Biscuit?

If you like her, she’s not a bad unit, but there are better options available.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

2 comments on "Biscuit"

  1. Anon says:

    Chihuahua as a con im ded

  2. Coreshadow says:

    But I do have a question. Do you think Buscuit goes into heat? And if so what does she do when it happens?

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