Daily Gacha Videos

D: Killer Wife

20 seconds

D: Killer Wife build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst
If low on resources, 4/7/4 is enough. If you are a competitive player, this is a 10/10/10 unit.

Best harmony cube

Resilience. Charge speed or max ammo cubes if no empty spaces on Resilience.

Stat priority

Charge speed and Max ammo take priority. ATK as filler line, the rest doesn’t really matter.

Two decent lines of charge speed / max ammo are more than enough, don’t try to get it on all her pieces.


Skill 1: Calm Snipping
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge for 3 time(s). Affects self.
Gain pierce for 1 shot.
■ Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects all allies with a Sniper Rifle.
Pierce Damage 13.55% for 10 sec.

Skill 2: Assault Formation
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge for 8 time(s). Affects all allies.
Cooldown of Burst Skill ▼ 7 sec.
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge for 5 time(s). Affects all allies.
Attack Damage 5.06% for 10 sec.

Burst Skill: Kill The Target
Active – 20.00S
■ Affects the enemy nearest to the crosshair.
Deals 269.28% of final ATK as additional damage.
Inflicts Wipe Out on the target for 10 sec.

■ Activates when allies’ normal attack hits a certain area of the target afflicted with Wipe Out. Affects allies
Buff takes effect depending on the area hit.
Allies that hit parts: Damage dealt when attacking core ▲ 16.26% for 10 sec.
Allies that hit the body: ATK ▲ 12.19% of caster’s ATK for 10 sec.

Character traits


– Opens up a lot of compositions thanks to her CDR if played properly
– Amazing early game flexibility for new players
– Wipe out mechanic requires manual play depending on the boss
– One of the best designs so far, fight me


– Requires high investment on skill 2 which is super expensive for the amount of materials we get
– Wipe out mechanic requires manual play depending on the boss
– Modifiers on her buffs are kinda low compared to similar units


Our second official wife is here (first one being Sakura) and she is actually pretty good. Let’s talk about her kit, possible team compositions and investment required to make the best usage out of the first good B1 Elysion gets since… release lol.

Skill 1 provides pierce to D and also increases pierce damage to all allies using a sniper rifle. This is pretty good, but the selection of NIKKE that can take advantage of this is… limited to say the least.

The pierce round she gets for herself is not really important, since D is not dealing a lot of damage anyway. Low priority for this skill, level 4. To be honest, I would not recommend getting this skill any further under any circumstances.

Skill 2 is the best part of her kit and what makes her so good. This skill provides CDR based on how many times she shoots with full charge and also gives Attack Damage to everyone in the team. The % for attack damage is not that great, but it’s a lot better than a basic ATK buff, so it’s always welcome.

The CDR is amazing if you can fully invest into this skill. It allows you to run a single Burst 2 even if it’s a 40-second cooldown burst or always burst with the same Burst 3, providing a lot of flexibility for your units.

This can also lead to some interesting shenanigans like bursting only with Tia and Rupee: Winter Shopper, which, outside of being funny, have no usage at the moment.

Important: Running a single b2 with 40-seconds will only be possible for people who mostly play on auto. If you manual, your burst generation with any RL / SR is going to be faster than what D can provide with CDR. This can be offset by using double CDR units, but… that’s even more niche.

Getting 2 good lines of max ammunition capacity and charge speed will be more than enough for D to maintain her CDR. Don’t go crazy investing custom modules to get more than that, because it’s not really worth it.

Her burst skill is also pretty good, since you can decide if you want more core damage or just ATK depending on where you shoot, and it actually makes you play more actively instead of auto. This can be a pro or a con depending on how you like to play NIKKE.

This is based on her own ATK and since it isn’t the greatest, low priority for this skill. Level 4, I could justify level 7 if you like raids, but even then it’s a lot of resources for the little extra damage you get in return.

Unit synergies

Honestly speaking, she can fit into most team compositions without any issues since she will provide CDR, Attack Damage and core damage or ATK up with her burst to everyone regardless of weapon type. However, she will obviously shine more on sniper rifle compositions thanks to her skill 1.

Video reviews

Should you reroll for D: Killer Wife?

Not really. As good as she is, if you are rerolling you should focus on getting one of the meta DPS units since that will take you further than just a good support.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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