Daily Gacha Videos


D build & priority

This character is not widely used by the majority of the players, and it’s not recommended investing in her. If she is your waifu you need advice, feel free to drop by our daily streams and ask there.


Skill 1 – Vigorous Waves
■ Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects self.
Damage as strong element ▲ 46.93% for 15 sec.
Recovers 3.52% of ATK damage as HP, lasts for 15 sec.
■ Affects self when first activated.
Recovers 16.5% of ATK damage as HP, lasts for 15 sec.

Skill 2 – Surprise Attack
■ Activates when the target appears. Affects all allies.
Charges Burst Gauge by 98.56%. Activates 1 time(s) per battle.
Become immune to Stun for 36.95 sec.
■ Activates when the target appears. Affects self.
Damage as strong element ▲ 91.09%, lasts for 15 sec.

Burst Skill – Chastisement
Active – Cooldown 40 seconds
■ Affects all enemies.
Deals 426.24% of ATK as damage.
■ Affects all Attacker allies.
When attacking a certain part of an enemy, damage dealt to the part ▲ 42.38% for 15 sec.
■ Affects all allies when gaining immunity to Stun.
Full Burst Time ▲ 5.04 sec.

Character traits


– Crazy damage buff against breakable parts on bosses. (Train for example)
– A must-have for Modernia Union raid, can help in Special interception version as well
– Instant Burst is niche but insanely powerful in some situations
– Decent damage
– Immunity to stun on burst
– Low investment needed


– Another overly specific niche character meant for specific encounters
– Being an SMG attacker limits her base damage, without her buffs she does almost nothing.


Similar to the release of Sakura, D is a character released to combat a specific encounter or niche encounters that only she can really do. She shines on fights like Modernia and Alteisen, where you need to burst early to deal a good chunk of damage and/or destroy core / specific parts on bosses.

The biggest problem she faces is that her kit loses a lot of utility after the first full burst.

Skill 1 increases damage as strong element on full burst, making her an incredible good wind DPS unit, and also recovers a good chunk of HP the first time you use the skill. This HP recovery is reduced to only 3% from the initial 15% the first time, which is not enough to keep her alive without healers.

Skill 2 activates “when the target appears” and will make D deal a lot more damage to enemies weak to wind units and your team burst almost instantly on boss fights, making her a valuable asset when you need to quickly break specific parts, for example in the Modernia fight.

This skill also provides immunity to stun for 36 seconds, allowing you to bypass one-shot mechanics from some bosses and keep dealing damage. The downside is that both the damage to parts and immunity are activated only once per battle.

Her burst damage is the worst part of the kit, but the utility it provides is what makes her an amazing unit for bosses. It increases damage to parts by a whooping 42% and increase the burst time by 5 seconds if they have the immunity active when bursting.

Sadly, her kit is super niche and doesn’t really work for campaign outside specific bosses, so unless she is your waifu, not worth bringing her into either early or late game.

Should you reroll for D?

We do not recommend rerolling for her. If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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