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20 seconds

Dorothy build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Resilience for faster reload. Avoid using Bastion since you want to proc skill 1 as often as possible.

Stat priority

Avoid getting max ammo capacity. Priority is ATK and elemental damage. Filler lines can be crit and some hit rate for better accuracy.


Skill 1 – Holy Fire
■ Activates when firing the last bullet. Affects all allies.
Cooldown of Burst Skill ▼ 1.56 sec.
■ Affects when firing the last bullet during Manifestation. Affects all allies.
When attacking part of an enemy, damage dealt to that part ▲ 50.68% lasts for 5 sec

Skill 2 – Baptism
Active – Cooldown 20S
■ Affects all enemies.
Deals 216% of ATK as damage.

Burst Skill – Paradise Lost
Active – Cooldown 20 seconds
■ Affects self.
Manifestation: Changes the cooldown of Skill 2 to 2 seconds. Last for 10 seconds.
Gain Pierce for 10 seconds.

■ Affects 1 enemy unit.
Brands an enemy for the duration of the Expression mode and all the damage dealt to him by Dorothy and her teammates is added together. Once the Expression Mode ends, the damage dealt will be distributed equally between all enemies. The maximum accumulated damage is capped at 8900.83% of Dorothy’s ATK.

Character traits


– Insanely high damage for a support character
– Even with no Attack buff, she still brings great utility in Burst cooldown reduction and damage to breakable parts buff for all allies
– 20 second burst cooldown, high uptime on AoE and brand


– Pilgrim, more rare than other characters, so getting copies could be more difficult.


Dorothy’s release was during the Half anniversary event, and she played an integral role in both the Overzone event and the release of the story chapters afterward.

Being a pilgrim unit always draws attention as they are both the most rare units, and currently hold some of the strongest units in the game.

Modernia’s release lived up to hype, and she is currently one of the strongest units in the game, So the expectations for the next major pilgrim unit release were extremely high.

At the time of release Dorothy is the second Burst 1 pilgrim unit tagged as a support unit, reading her kit however shows that she is anything but a support (outside of her cooldown) so the belief that she was a pilgrim support burst 1 unit directly put her against the current best support in the game… Liter.

Over time, however, it was easily proven that in no way does Dorothy replace Liter solely due to the roles they both play and how well they work in different teams.

Dorothy slots in as one of the best plug and play units currently in the game, she will bring a huge amount of damage on her own, allowing a more flexible change to other burst slots for support where you would usually not do so.

Despite the overall amount of damage an invested Dorothy can bring, she isn’t necessarily a carry type unit that you would only build around, but she will not disappoint when you need damage in a slot where most expect supports.


Dorothy will perform pretty much the same from the beginning of the game to the end, the heavier the investment into her the more overall output you’ll get back.

She will not really ever have a point where she falls off, however you have to be cautious with the rest of your units as she will not be able to provide anything else outside of CDR and damage.

Solo & Union Raid

Dorothy is a staple in these end game solo and co-operative competitive game modes, she will always find a slot in at least one of the current meta teams, being able to provide extremely valuable burst cooldown while also dealing attacker level damage consistently makes her use in teams extremely high.

As more units released are capable of covering her shortcomings, this has allowed her to remain in the meta and will probably do so for the foreseeable future.

Should you reroll for Dorothy?

Before deciding to reroll, please refer to our guides to see what the units you should be aiming for are.

Rerolling for Dorothy is a bit of a gamble, if you are in the midst of rerolling there are characters that will be on your main team forever. Units like Scarlet and Modernia are staple units that any account would be happy to have and will help you get through the game much more easily. Characters like Liter are more common, but on their own won’t be as enabling early on as “Carry” units would be.

If you have been re-rolling for a while and want to stop and happen to land on Dorothy a few times, you probably will still end up in an ok enough position to keep the account and end up with a very strong unit you’ll be using for a long time.

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