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Guillotine build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Resilience for low ammo build, if you’re going for infinite ammo, Bastion is better.

Stat priority

Max ammo, elemental damage and ATK take priority on most of your gear. You can also mix some crit damage / rate as filler lines.


Skill 1: Residual Heat
■ Affects self. Casts after landing 30 normal attacks.
Critical rate ▲ 9.28% for 10 sec.
HP ▼ 2.01%

Skill 2: Shroud of Darkness
■ Affects self. Casts after landing 150 normal attacks.
Critical Damage ▲ 14.69% for 5 sec.
■ Affects self. Casts when HP falls below 70%.
ATK ▲ 0.96% with every 1% of HP loss.

Burst Skill: Dragon of the Deep
Active – Cooldown 40.00S
■ Affects the enemy with the highest ATK.
[Target] Deals 1237.5% of ATK as damage.
■ Affects the same target when HP falls below 50%.
Deal additional damage to the same target equal to 1237.5% of ATK.

Character traits


– Needs to lose HP to get stronger, but it’s easy to maintain
– Strong single target damage dealer that can have infinite ammo once built
– Can be placed on crit teams as your sub DPS and most bosses where you need a MG


– Situational MG that can’t be used on all content since she needs to be low HP
– The only skin she has sucks


Guillotine is a really strong MG unit that will find place on a lot of raids thanks to her damage output.

Similar to Scarlet, she loses HP and buffs herself, but she actually needs to stay low HP to keep the buffs while Scarlet can be full health and still keep her ATK stacks. This means you cannot really play Guillotine on teams with good healers, since she will deal no damage.

Like most machine guns, once invested you can go for a build with infinite ammo as long as you are using the Bastion cube and get some good lines with Max ammo capacity.

Skill 1 takes the lowest priority to level up since that’s where you are losing HP and the critical rate you get even at low level is good enough.

Skill 2 is where most of her damage is coming from, increasing ATK for each % of life missing. This takes the highest priority to level up and will actually make her a good unit compared to a mediocre MG.

Last, her burst provides excellent single target damage to the unit with the highest ATK, but Guillotine needs to have less than 50% HP to deal double damage. This is why it’s important to always keep her below 30/20% of her HP so she can make proper use of her kit.

Should you reroll for Guillotine?

A lot of people like her, so if she’s your waifu, she’s not a bad DPS. Just make sure you have units to keep her alive and research team compositions first to see if you like her playstyle.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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