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Harran build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Resilience for faster reload or Bastion if it has higher investment.

Stat priority

Like most units, she benefits from ATK, elemental damage and max ammo capacity. Other lines that will help her damage are charge speed and damage.


Skill 1: Plague Transfer
■ There is a 25% chance to activate when attacking.
Virus Transfer: Constantly deals 17.28% final ATK as damage every 1 sec for 5 seconds.
■ Activates when an enemy afflicted with Virus Transfer is killed. Affects 2 nearby enemy unit(s).
Virus Transfer: Constantly deals 17.28% final ATK as damage every 1 sec for 5 seconds.

Skill 2: Predator
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Affects self.
Gain Pierce for 1 round(s)
Critical rate ▲ 1.84%
■ Activates when killing an enemy. Affects self.
ATK ▲ 3.02%, stacks up to 15 time(s) and lasts for 10 sec.

Burst Skill: Death Scythe
Active – Cooldown 40.00S
■ Affects all enemies.
Deals 999% of final ATK as damage

Character traits


– One of the best screen clearing bursts in the game. (Damage and look)
– Good burst energy generation (as most snipers have)
– Self attack buff when killing mobs.


– Pilgrim, much more rare from banners and also benefit a lot more from dupes than non pilgrim units. Getting copies is way more random.
– Requires multiple enemies in stages to gain maximum benefit from her kit.


Harran was one of the first Pilgrim attacker units that players absolutely wanted on their accounts if they didn’t get Scarlet. She was the first pilgrim sniper unit with almost unrivaled screen wide clear and self scaling attack, making her one of the most premier units to have on your team during the early stages of the game.

But the big question is: how good is she currently? Compared to most of the current DPS units, still holding up quite well.

Harran still holds the same issues she had from previous contents in the game, needing additional enemies to spawn during bosses and levels with continuous waves of monsters to scale her damage over the course of a level.

However, with that being said, she holds something that a lot of recent releases are still lacking… a screen wide AOE clear.

Harran’s burst still holds its place as one of the strongest overall AOE bursts from an attacker unit, and still had niche uses in even some recent competitive contents.

The overwhelming amount of character releases is the main downside to how characters appear to perform in a game like NIKKE, however Harran’s overall performance actually hasn’t changed that much and with the amount of newly introduced supports and units coming out.


Harran’s performance in early campaign was one of the best in the game, and has remained that way for a majority of current PVE releases. Her uses are more limited based on her kit, but needing a heavy front leaded AOE to clear screens of raptures is her specialty and she will provide.

It goes without saying, but any major amounts of investment into DPS units will always pay out in one way or another, for what she provides in the story it will do more than enough the more you put into her.

Solo & Union Raid

Harran’s biggest struggle will always be with bosses that don’t have anything extra to hit to trigger her passive, as well as no summoned additional raptures to scale her attack buff.

She will fall heavily behind any DPS unit that doesn’t have such requirement (a majority of units). Does that make her absolutely terrible in these competitive contents? No, but she can easily be replaced with units that will do what you need to do, but better.

She is extremely niche for these contents, but the way Solo raids and Union raids change mechanically could potentially allow her to be more usable in the future.

Should you reroll for Harran?

In an absolutely ideal circumstance, there is almost no reason to reroll for Harran as there are currently better units you can roll for.

The only reason you would keep a reroll account that included Harran would be if you had other great units to keep alongside and use with her or if you absolutely adore how she looks, personality and how her kit works.

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