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40 seconds

Kilo build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst
Not recommended investing in her for PVE content.

Best harmony cube

Vigor for better shields since they’re based on your max HP.

Stat priority

Max ammunition capacity, ATK and elemental damage since she is a machine gun DPS. The rest of the stats can be filled with crit rate and crit damage.


Skill 1: Nano Coating
■ Activates when entering battle. Affects self.
Nano Coating: Creates a Shield equal to 21.12% of the caster’s final Max HP continuously.
■ Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects self if not in Nano Coating status.
Nano Coating: Creates a Shield equal to 21.12% of the caster’s final Max HP continuously.

Skill 2: Self-cure
■ Activates when performing Normal Attack for 200 time(s) in Nano Coating status. Affects self.
Recovery Shield HP equal to 2.85% caster’s final Max HP.
■ Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects self if not in Nano Coating status.
Effect changes according to the caster’s status. Previous effects trigger repeatedly.
Once: Next Shield’s HP ▲ 17.75% continuously.
Twice: Next Shield’s HP ▲ 26.66% continuously.
Three times: Next Shield’s HP ▲ 35.53% continuously.

Burst Skill: Assign Priority
Active – 40.00S
■ Activates when in Nano Coating status. Affects all enemies.
Deals damage equal to 1150.84% of the ATK, which is calculated from 5% of final Max HP.
■ Activates when not in Nano Coating status. Affects self.
Max HP ▲ 48% for 20 sec.

Character traits


– She excels at clearing screens in PvE scenarios, making her a valuable character for dealing with adds

– Her burst damage potential is significant, especially when her shield is active and she receives HP buffs

– Don’t let people lie to you, covering 80% of the screen it’s a pro, thicc T.A.L.O.S


– Her damage output outside of her burst phase is lackluster, making her heavily reliant on burst rotations

– If the shield gets destroyed, her burst becomes ineffective, leaving her vulnerable and reducing her overall damage output

– While HP buffs significantly boost her burst damage, Kilo does not benefit from ATK buffs, limiting team composition options and requiring specific support strategies

Should you reroll for Kilo?

She was a free character, you can’t reroll for her after the 1.5 half anniversary event.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

One comment on "Kilo"

  1. kilofanumber112 says:

    kilos my beloved :heart_emoji

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