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Liter build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst
Skill 2 can be taken to level 7 for better sustain on covers, but 4 is usually enough.

Best harmony cube

Resilience or Bastion are the best option, like most units in the game. Quantum could be used if your team is low on burst generation.

Stat priority

Support unit so it doesn’t matter what you get. ATK, max ammunition and elemental damage are desirable but not required.


Skill 1: Liter Boost
■ Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects all allies.
Effect changes according to the activation time(s). Previous effects triggers repeatedly.
Once: Cooldown of Burst Skill ▼ 2.34 sec.
Twice: Cooldown of Burst Skill ▼ 2.7 sec.
Three times: Cooldown of Burst Skill ▼ 3.17 sec.
■ Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects all allies.
Effect changes according to the activation time(s). Previous effects triggers repeatedly.
Once: Max Ammunition Capacity ▲ 48.17% for 5 sec.
Twice: Critical Damage ▲ 12.46% for 5 sec.
Three times: ATK ▲ 14.42% for 5 sec.

Skill 2: Bolt Boost
Active – Cooldown 15.00S
■ Affects 2 ally unit(s) with the lowest cover HP.
Cover’s HP recovers by 52.5%.

Burst Skill: Double Boost
Active – Cooldown 20.00S
■ Affects all allies.
ATK ▲ 66% for 5 sec.

Character traits


– Awooo
– The best Burst I in the game since release
– Repairs covers of the team
– One of the highest team attack buffs
– Burst Cooldown reduction
– Has a dog


– Extremely loaded character kit, extremely hard to replace in almost any situation
– Character is an old lady, but looks like a child???


has the benefit of being the only unit currently with this loaded kit in the perfect burst slot, and she is also currently without any competition the best burst 1 unit in the game (and maybe the best unit in general).

Skill 1 is packed, and it will do everything you need in terms of buffs and supporting your team: cooldown reduction for burst skills while providing ATK, critical damage and max ammunition buffs, making Liter the best support on the game.

Skill 2 provides consistent repairs. However, this will not repair anything if the cover is already completely gone (the blue bar on top of your HP), so unless you are pushing content under heavy combat power deficit, you will not notice this downside.

Her burst provides one of the highest ATK buffs in the game, which you can also combine with skill 1 after the third burst rotation for an even higher number.

The only real downside is her limited range and damage as an SMG unit, as well as her lack of overall burst generation, which is also due to her weapon type. Not really a terrible thing as a unit, but there really isn’t that much worse about this character.

If it sounds like she is too good of a unit, it’s because she absolutely is. There hasn’t been a single unit released since the beginning of the game that has come close to being as crazy at release as Liter has.


She can be used in the burst 1 slot from the beginning to the most recent releases of content, her slot efficiency is so high that unless there is another really good burst 1 that you just want to use, you are almost always going to lose out on something when trying to replace Liter.

There are too many things Liter does that makes filling out the slots for the rest of your team way too easy, you can slack a bit more on damage from specific units or utility because Liter in someway makes up for it.

Solo & Union Raid

Liter will hold a place in one of the main teams for both competitive game modes. She has incredible synergy with many teams and individual units that it is almost impossible to not have a single spot for her.

You will usually put her on your highest damage output team and pair her with either bunny or school girls, with your DPS units changing depending on what type the boss is weak to.

Should you reroll for Liter?

Yes. If you can get Liter, you will never have to worry about filling your Burst I spot for any team, and can build teams around the rest of the units that you get.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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