Daily Gacha Videos

Mary: Bay Goddess

20 seconds

Mary: Bay Goddess build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Vigor for extra heals or Resilience for faster reload.

Stat priority

Doesn’t benefit from any specific overload lines. At high investment can act as a sub-dps and healer so you could get Elemental damage, ATK and max ammo.


Skill 1: Seaside Sunshine
■ Activates when entering full burst. Affects all allies
Effects change according to the number of times activated. Previous effects trigger repeatedly:
Once: Recovers 1.05% of casters final max HP every second for 5 seconds
Twice: Recovers 3.69% of casters final max HP every second for 5 seconds
Three times: Recovers 6.86% of casters final max HP every second for 5 seconds

Skill 2: Waves Kiss The Feet
■ Activates when entering Burst 3. Affects all Water Code Allies
Effects change according to the number of times activated. Previous effects trigger repeatedly:
Once: Damage as strong element 20.85% for 3 seconds
Twice: Damage as strong element 13.88% for 5 seconds
Three Times: Damage as strong element 8.36% for 10 seconds

Burst Skill: Tranquil Waters
Active – Cooldown 40.00S
■ Affects all Water Code Allies
Attack up by 23.23% for 3 seconds
■ Affects all allies:
Max HP ▲ 27.87% of the Casters final max HP as HP for 10 seconds

Character traits


– Massive elemental damage buff
– Good heals
– ATK buff on burst
– Synergy between burst and heals on Skill 1: Seaside Sunshine
–  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


– Outside water teams loses half the kit
– Limited unit


Mary: Bay Goddess is going to become a staple on water teams for fire type bosses but, outside that content, she’s a mid unit, which doesn’t mean she’s bad, it just means she’s not the best option when it comes to healers.

This is because she loses half her kit when not facing water weak type raptures.

Skill 1 is an incremental heal every time you burst (you don’t need to burst with her) which is quite good, even when we talk about using her as a healer outside water content.

This is a great heal that we can compare to other units like Pepper and Helm, meaning you can use her as a main Burst I or a secondary b1 only to benefit from the heals.

Skill 2 is the best part of her kit because it gives an incredible advantage on damage for water weak raptures and the biggest reason to use her on your team.

Obviously, this skill is useless on any other content outside of water.

Her burst skill will increase the ATK for water units on your team (again, useless if not playing on elemental content) and also increase the max HP for all your units.

This has a good synergy with the heals on Skill 1, and it’s one of the reasons they’re that good.

She will find a place on a lot of teams, but it’s still hard justifying using her over the meta healers and replacing Liter and Dorothy for most content if it’s not locked behind elements.

Should you reroll for Mary: Bay Goddess?

She’s a limited unit, so unless you’re playing while the banner is active, no.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

2 comments on "Mary: Bay Goddess"

  1. Eles says:

    Your skill 2 shows affect self, in game it shows something different.

    1. Sefhi says:

      Fixed, thanks for the catch!

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