Daily Gacha Videos


Mast build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Resilience. If you have enough OL max ammo lines, can use Bastion.

Stat priority

Crit rate, ATK and elemental damage take priority. The rest of the lines can have filler stats.


Skill 1: Pirate’s Grit
■ Activates when crit attack hits 2 time(s). Affects the target(s)
Sea Breeze: DEF ▼ 1.9% of the caster’s DEF, stacks up to 50 time(s) and lasts for 3 sec
■ Activates when HP falls below 70%. Affects self and 2 ally unit(s) with the highest ATK (except caster)
Critical Damage ▲ 50.94% continuously

Skill 2: Pirate’s Sight
■ Activates when entering battle. Affects self and 2 ally unit(s) with the highest ATK (except caster)
Critical Rate ▲ 23.56% for 30 sec

Burst Skill – Sail Through the Tempest!
Active – Cooldown 20 seconds
■ Affects self and 2 ally unit(s) with the highest ATK (except caster)
Max HP ▲ 86.2% of the caster’s Max HP without restoring HP, lasts for 7 sec.
Critical Damage ▲ 25.19% for 7 sec
■ Affects the target(s) afflicted with Sea Breeze
Storm: Deals 4.52% of final ATK as damage. Mirrors the stacks count of Sea Breeze every 1 sec for 7sec

Character traits


– Works for low HP teams with Scarlet and Guillotine
– Super high crit damage buff
– DEF shredding to bosses


– Unit tied to landing constant crits and being low HP
– Outside of bosses is kinda useless


Mast is an interesting character with a decent kit, but still being hard to place on your main teams for a couple of reasons.

Skill 1 makes her depend on two things: low hp and constant crit hits.

You need to crit 2 times to activate the DEF debuff, but it only last for 3 seconds, so you need to be constantly landing crit hits to maintain a decent amount of stacks.

The stacks are applied to the enemies and not herself, so she will be better for bosses rather than stages where there are a lot of enemies and the stacks get lost pretty quickly by killing them.

The second part requires you to be below 70% HP to apply critical damage to your main DPS units, making it pretty hard under harsh combat power deficit to be able to maintain this.

Skill 2 is the worst part of the kit. Increases critical rate for 30 seconds when entering battle to herself and 2 dps units, meaning after the initial 30 seconds of the fight, you are left with only Skill 1 and Burst skill.

The critical rate buff is nice but not enough for boss fights where she is supposed to work better as you will need a couple of minutes in Solo Raid / Union Raid.

Lastly, the Burst Skill, probably the best part of her kit.

She increases Max HP and critical damage to herself and 2 dps units without restoring HP, meaning for units like Scarlet and Guillotine, she’s actually increasing their DPS by a lot while bursting.

She also deals some damage to the enemies with the DEF debuff and mirrors the stack count of Sea Breeze every second.

Once again, those stacks are lost after 3 seconds, so it’s hard to maintain unless you’re constantly landing crit hits.

All that said, she’s a unit that will work mostly on bosses and nowhere else. Campaign with so many mobs is out of the question, and then arena with SMG burst generation is kinda hard to justify.

She will find a place on Solo Raid / Union Raid for your 3rd to 5th team, which means for most people is an easy skip or just get 1 copy for collection.

Should you reroll for Mast?

Not really, unless she’s your waifu. We would recommend grabbing a copy only if you get lucky pulling early on, if not put her on your wishlist.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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