Daily Gacha Videos

Miracle Fairy Anne

Miracle Fairy Anne build & priority

This character is not widely used by the majority of the players, and it’s not recommended investing in her. If she is your waifu you need advice, feel free to drop by our daily streams and ask there.


Skill 1: Fairy Dance
■ Affects all Supporter allies. Activates after 3 normal attack(s).
Recover 6.07% of attack damage as HP over 5 sec.

Skill 2: Fairy’s Jest
■ Affects all allies. Activates when above 90% HP.
HP Potency ▲ 23.46%.
■ Activates when the last bullet hits the target while having over 90% HP. Affects all enemies.
HP Potency ▼ 78.93% for 10 sec.

Burst Skill: Blue Butterfly Slumber
Active – Cooldown 60.00S
■ Affects 1 random fallen Attacker ally unit(s).
Resurrect with 99% HP. Activates once per battle.
■ Affects all Attacker allies.
Restores HP equal to 38.61% of the caster’s Max HP.
ATK ▲ 77.22% for 10 sec.

Character traits


– Super strong ATK buff on burst
– Revives allies once per battle
– Does not need dupes to perform optimally


– 60 second cooldown on her burst skill 😰
– Anti heal is niche for PVE meaning she needs specific teams
– Seasonal limited time unit, once they are gone… they are gone


Miracle Fairy Anne is a limited time seasonal unit and is the only other unit currently in the game that can revive another unit with Rapunzel. She has one of the highest attack buff multipliers in the game that affects strictly attacker units.

But if she has an amazing attack buff, why is she considered too niche? The simple reason, she has to burst, and her burst cooldown is 60 seconds.

You will most likely never get the buff and revive more than once per battle unless you are somehow losing units or the fight is going to maximum time consistently.

She is a good unit for PVP as you only need to burst once there and where she shines the most.

For a while, Anne’s main niche use was as the main attack buffer for Snow White one shot teams in the Special interception mode. She would enable less invested units (excluding Snow White) to be used to one shot bosses easier.

There was still a fairly high reset amount to find the perfect run that would kill the boss, however it was a fairly reliable way to clear bosses, especially if you already had investments into SW.

This method however has already been replaced as there are just more efficient units that you can use, and you are not bound by the limitations of Anne being a limited unit.

Sadly, as more healers and buffers get released, she is seeing less and less usage on almost all game modes. Having 60 seconds on your cooldown and only reviving once per battle really limits her kit.

Should you reroll for Miracle Fairy Anne?

You can’t, she’s a Christmas only unit that had a banner in 2022. We don’t know if we’ll see her again, but hopefully she comes back.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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