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Modernia build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst
Burst doesn’t need investment higher than 4 unless you are using her with school girls and actually bursting.

Best harmony cube

Bastion like most machine guns. If she’s not built, Assault.

Stat priority

Important to get 1 line of hit rate. Rest of priority goes to max ammo capacity, ATK and elemental damage.

Some hit rate and crit can help, but it’s not priority since you can get that from other character’s buffs.


Skill 1: High-Speed Evolution
■ Activates when normal attack hits. Affects the target(s).
Deals 3.05% of ATK as additional damage.
■ Activates when normal attack hits 200 time(s).
Affects self.
Critical Damage ▲ 14.25%, stacks up to 5 time(s) and lasts for 10 sec.
Max Ammunition Capacity ▼ 5.04%, stacks up to 5 time(s) and lasts for 10 sec.

Skill 2: Giant Leap
■ Affects all allies. Activates when entering Full Burst.
Hit Rate ▲ 8.56% for 15 sec.
■ Affects self. Activates when normal attack hits 200 time(s) during increasing Hit Rate status.
ATK ▲ 29.38% for 10 sec.

Burst Skill: New World
Active – Cooldown 40.00S
■ Affects all allies.
Full Burst Time ▲ 5 sec.
■ Affects self.
Grants unlimited ammunition for 15 sec.
Destroy Mode:
Extending the line of sight and auto-aim at all enemies within fire range. Stage enemy will be recognized as a single enemy regardless of its interruption parts.
Deals 2.24% of ATK as damage for 15 sec.

Character traits


– Modernia goes BRRRRR
– One of the highest beneficiaries of investment , scales extremely well in almost every way.
– Excellent screen coverage with Burst.
– One of the highest overall DPS’ in the game.


– Pilgrim, benefits more off of copies which are overall more rare and difficult to acquire.
– Single target damage suffers if you use her to burst.
– Specific gear requirements to work smoothly


NIKKE introduced Modernia in the game as the first playable Heretic NIKKE from the main story, with expectations high as a pilgrim attacker unit. She met that expectation in every way as one of the highest DPS attackers in the entire game.

Modernia has remained in relevance since her release and still continues to outshine a majority of NIKKE in all recently released content.

Modernia is a strong enough unit with much investment and can help clear content as she is. She however benefits so heavily from Overload Gear and skill levels to the point where she is almost unrivaled in her slot in the team.

You can benefit from Modernia fully early on with the usage of a hit rate harmony cube prior to unlocking manufactured equipment, allowing you to make use of this crazy unit as soon as you get her.

Depending on the content you are using Modernia in, it will determine in which position she is used in, as well as whether you will use her burst or not.

In most content, however, she will deal more damage not bursting, as there are more efficient or higher damage bursts that deal damage instantly rather than over time. She is one of the best plug and play characters you can fit into a multitude of teams.


When it comes to campaign, there are so many units that can be used that you can almost not go wrong as long as you are close enough in p‎ower to the recommended amount.

Modernia is an absolute beast in campaign as well (unsurprisingly). Her skill investment changes a bit more depending on how much you are using her Burst.

If you use her burst (as either a main burst or a second burst) you want to put in more investment or full investment into her burst levels. You would put in the minimal amount otherwise (Level 4 or 7).

She will provide all the extra damage you would need in a fight whether you burst or not, and is one of the best units you could bring for bosses.

Solo & Union Raid

In the current state of Solo and Union Raid, Modernia is a staple must have unit for these competitive contents and is one of the highest DPS units for it.

She is extremely plug and play for these contents and actually requires less investment (due to not needing skill levels in burst passed the minimum)

The more competitive you plan to be, however, the more you are required to absolutely work on maximizing Modernia’s gear and skill levels. When properly invested, she will not disappoint with the damage you get from her.

Should you reroll for Modernia?

Yes, if you like her design. One of the best DPS in the game, can work on any team.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

One comment on "Modernia"

  1. Clutch. says:

    Best girl.

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