Daily Gacha Videos


40 seconds

Moran build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Quantum or Resilience. Avoid cubes that increase ammunition because skill 2 procs on last bullet.

Stat priority

Defender unit, so doesn’t really matter what stats you get on her gear. Not really recommended investing unless you play NIKKE only for PVP. Avoid max ammunition.


Normal Attack
■ Affects target(s) enemy.
Deals 14.71% of ATK as damage.
Deals 200% damage when attacking core.

Skill 1: Bring It On!
■ Activates at the start of the battle. Affects self.
DEF ▲ 3.51% with every 1% of HP loss.
■ Activates when landing 5 normal attack(s) when changing the weapon in use. Affects the target.
Deals 47.18% of final ATK as additional damage.

Skill 2: Leave It To Me!
■ Activates when firing the final bullet. Affects 3 enemy unit(s) with the highest ATK.
Taunt for 4 sec.
■ Activates when HP falls below 20%. Affects self.
Effect changes according to the number of activation time(s). Perseverance: Effect of each phase does not stack.
Once: Max HP ▲ 91% for 3 sec. Activates once per battle.
Twice: Max HP ▲ 69.84% for 3 sec. Activates once per battle.
Three times: Max HP ▲ 51.09% for 3 sec. Activates once per battle.

Burst Skill: Fair and Square!
Active – 40.00S
■ Affects self.
Change the weapon in use:
Damage: 14.7% of final ATK
Last for: 10 sec
Additional effect(s):
Recovers 36.14% of attack damage as HP for 10 sec.
Attract: Taunt all enemies for 10 sec.
Note: Cannot take cover while casting Burst skill
■ Affects all allies.
Damage taken 35.14% for 10 sec.
DEF 14.85% of caster’s DEF for 10 sec.

Character traits


– Stall unit that will tank a lot of damage
– Just like Noise, she can be used to cheese a lot of content thanks to her survivability and taunt


– Not safe from one-shots even if skill 2 procs for max hp
– PVP focused unit that finds no place on pve content
– Burst 1 40-second burst cooldown without any CDR


Noise at home is finally here and with Moran the underworld queen’s squad is finally complete. Sadly, like the other units in her squad, she’s quite underwhelming and a unit that even whales have decided to skip or get just one copy.

Let’s talk first about her kit, then team compositions and what possible uses Moran could have for PVE in the current meta of NIKKE.

Skill 1 gives her defense the more HP she loses, which is a double-edged sword but makes her really tanky. However, take into consideration that DEF isn’t a good stat thanks to the damage formula in NIKKE.

Skill 2 is a taunt that procs on the last bullet of the magazine, making team compositions even harder since you have to avoid most meta units. Even if this taunt doesn’t have 100% uptime, you can control it quite easily since its final bullet fired.

The second part of this skill is probably the only thing that makes Moran kinda usable, increasing max HP when her own HP falls below 20%, having a good synergy with skill 1 and the defense UP. This max hp increase lasts only for 3 seconds and activates once per battle with three different %.

Three full rotations is more than enough for PVP and simple PVE content but will fall short when we talk about both union and solo raids. Sadly, a 3-second buff like this is going to be used more for healing rather than to increase damage for units like 2B since the timing is hard to control opposite to the taunt itself.

Lastly, her burst skill works similar to Laplace, transforming her weapon and making Moran not being able to take cover while this burst is active. The damage of this burst is decent but remember that this is a defender unit without any offensive buffs on her kit and 40-second cooldown, making it hard to justify investing in this skill.

Team composition

40-second cooldown on her burst and needing to avoid max ammunition units, it’s really hard to find a place and team for Moran. Right now, your best option would be a support for 2B or Anis: Sparkling Summer.

Should you reroll for Moran?

Not really. A PVP unit that even in that game mode has trouble finding a place because the current meta is burst first, ask questions later.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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