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Naga build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst
For endgame, she should be 10/10/7, burst skill could be taken to 10 if enough materials

Best harmony cube

Resilience or Bastion, like most units in the game will benefit Naga the most.

Stat priority

Since she’s one of the best DPS among the supporter units, ATK can benefit her, but the rest of the stats do not really matter.


Skill 1: Guardian of Friendship
■ Activates after 12 normal attack(s). Affects all allies
Recovery of Cover’s HP ▲ 14.57%
■ Activates when applying Shield. Affects all allies
Damage dealt when attacking core ▲ 85.17% for 10 sec

Skill 2: Support of Friendship
■ Activates after 5 normal attack(s). Affects 2 ally unit(s) with the highest ATK
Damage dealt when attacking core ▲ 40.07% for 5 sec
■ Activates after 5 normal attack(s). Affects 2 ally unit(s) with the lowest HP percentage
Recovers 9.58% of the caster’s final Max HP as HP

Burst Skill: As Long As We’re With Friends
Active – 20.00S
■ Affects self
Gain Pierce for 10 sec
■ Affects all allies
ATK ▲ 16.18% of caster’s ATK for 10 sec
■ Activates when applying Shield. Affects all allies
ATK ▲ 31.02% of caster’s ATK for 10 sec

Character traits


– Incredible core damage for bosses
– Heals, repairs cover and gives ATK buff
– Assuming constant core hits, she’s the strongest buffer in the game


– Needs Tia to fully utilize her kit


Important: Naga can be used alone but if not paired with Tia, the lines of “activates when applying shields” will never proc as the options for shields are quite limited.

She’s a jack of all trades that excels as a support unit, except for core damage, she’s the queen there without any competition.

Let’s talk about her skills and then about options for shields.

Skill 1 procs around every 10-ish seconds, repairing your cover and giving you an extra 85% damage against cores, which is incredible for most bosses.

The cover repair is kinda weak compared to the other units that can do the same (Liter and Biscuit) so this skill is mostly used for the extra damage.

Skill 2 procs around every 4-ish seconds and at level 4 without any Overload gear, can have almost a 100% uptime.

This skill gives you even more damage to the core and also heals the two units with the lowest HP.

To have 100% uptime here, Bastion or Resilience cube and one piece of Overload gear with max ammo is more than enough. Heals are also a good addition to the skill.

The burst skill gives Naga pierce and also increases everyone’s ATK, which is always nice and still one of the best buff types of the game.

Overall, an impressive unit that shines even more paired with Tia.

Update: Yes, they’re both incredible when paired together and can compete with the current meta (bunnies) and even do better depending on the situation, mostly for bosses.

About shields and Naga

Like we previously said, Naga needs semi constant shields to fully use her kit, and there are not a lot of units in the game that can achieve that at this point.

The only real option to pair with Naga and have both of them work together. As you’ll see next, the rest of the shields just don’t proc often enough.

The only one who consistently applied the extra core damage, but she’s a burst 2 and 40 second cooldown.

Protective/shared shields seem not to proc, also they are burst 2.

It works but 40-second cooldown and shield only applies to 3 units with the lowest HP, too much RNG.

Even worse than Ether as shield only applies to 2 highest ATK units, also burst 2 and 40-second cooldown.

Should you reroll for Naga?

Not really unless you reroll for both Naga and Tia, which can be really hard to achieve unless you started playing while both banners were up.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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