Daily Gacha Videos

Neon: Blue Ocean

Neon: Blue Ocean build & priority

This character is not widely used by the majority of the players, and it’s not recommended investing in her. If she is your waifu you need advice, feel free to drop by our daily streams and ask there.


Skill 1: Upper Wave
■ Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects self.
Effect changes according to the number of activation time(s). Previous effects trigger repeatedly:
Once: Parts Damage ▲ 12.4% for 20 sec
Twice: Parts Damage ▲ 12.4% for 20 sec
Three times: Parts Damage ▲ 12.4% for 20 sec

Skill 2: Water Jet
■ Activates when entering Burst stage 3. Affects self.
Effect changes according to the number of activation time(s). Previous effects trigger repeatedly:
Once: Damage as strong element ▲ 20.56% for 10 sec
Twice: Damage as strong element ▲ 20.2% for 10 sec
Three times: Damage as strong element ▲ 20.2% for 10 sec

Burst Skill: Full Hydro Shot
Active – Cooldown 40.00S
■ Affects self
Change the weapon in use:
Damage: 33% of final ATK
Last for: 7 sec
■ Activates when the target belongs to Fire Code
Deals 11% of final ATK as additional damage


Updated after the buff.

Even after the buff, an underwhelming unit that everyone was expecting would perform better.

Skill 1 increases damage to parts, which in paper sounds good, but you don’t want to burst with her, and we’ll explain why below. This means the first skill is useless and not used.

Skill 2 is the only useful part of her kit, increasing elemental damage just by entering burst stage 3, meaning even as an off burst unit, she could potentially be good on water compositions.

The percentage and duration are high enough to consider getting this skill to level 7 while you can ignore the other 2 and leave them at level 1.

And to finish things off, her burst skill, where she transforms her weapon similar to Laplace dealing 33% of damage per shot.

After the buff you want to be bursting with her because if not you are losing damage, but her numbers are the same as support units with the same level of investment (Noir for example).

All that said, a mid-unit no matter how you look at her. She already got a buff so there is not much hope of another rework in the future.

Should you reroll for Neon: Blue Ocean?

She’s a limited unit, so unless you’re playing while the banner is active, no.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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