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Noir build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst
105 or 94
Skill 2 max ammo breakpoints change at 5 and 9, no need to go above those 2 levels depending on your resources.

Best harmony cube

Bastion is the best cube for most shotguns. She’s the fastest reloading shotgun in the game, so no need to use Resilience.

Stat priority

Support and sub-dps unit, so it doesn’t really matter what you get. Elemental damage, hit rate and max ammo can help.


Skill 1 – Lucky Charm
■ Activates when above 70% HP. Affects all allies
Caster’s ATK ▲ 14.08% constantly

Skill 2 – Rabbit Twins B
■ Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects all allies
Max Ammunition Capacity ▲ 5 round(s) for 10 sec
Reload 39.88% magazine(s)

Burst Skill – Finale
Active – Cooldown 40 seconds
■ Affects all enemies
Deals 351.64% of ATK as damage
■ Affects all allies with a Shotgun
Hit Rate ▲ 13.93% for 10 sec
Damage to interruption part ▲ 23.23% for 10 sec

■ Activates when Full Burst ends with an ally from the same squad on the battlefield Affects all allies
Hit Rate ▲ 11.61% for 30 sec
Damage to interruption part ▲ 19.36% for 30 sec

Character traits


– Amazing ATK buff for the team
– Help on bosses with interruption parts
– Can be used without any other 777 members
– Superfast reload speed for a shotgun


– Required to be used with Blanc to maximize potential.
– Cannot use with “Trigger on last bullet” units due to max ammo increase
– Shy, give us more sassy girls 😭


Something to note:

Noir is in fact usable without her sister Blanc, while Blanc pretty much has an essential need for her twin sister to be in the team for her to do her thing, Noir is a viable solo character with many buffs to bring to the team when necessary.

Noir can be one of the best off burst III on the game thanks to her skills 1 and 2.

Skill 1 will provide the team with a constant ATK buff as long as she’s above 70% HP which is always nice. Most healers should be able to keep her above that threshold.

This buff is based on Noir’s ATK, so that’s the biggest priority for her overload gear.

Skill 2 will increase the max ammunition capacity of the team and also reload part of the magazine, this will be nice on shotgun teams, but also help rocket launchers and teams built around Alice and Maxwell.

Her burst skill deals AoE damage and will make shotgun teams go brrrr and make bosses like Grave Digger super easy.

The damage is nothing out of the ordinary, but AoE skills are always welcome to help clear waves.

If you are outside that type of content, I would not use her as a burst unit and just keep her for the value she provides with the skills.

Should you reroll for Noir?

We do not recommend rerolling for Noir

As much as she’s a good unit, no. If you’re rerolling for Burst III units, generally you want Pilgrims.

If you happen to roll into an account that pulls both Blanc and Noir, it is definitely an account worth considering for sure.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

2 comments on "Noir"

  1. Maguropan says:

    Skill 2 priority should be 5 or 9 (instead of 4) as those are the breakpoints for extra ammo capacity. 4-10 recommendation for burst seems a bit strange as it really isn’t that strong; the damage is relatively low, hit rate doesn’t really do much, and damage to interruption parts is very niche. I guess it can help clear projectiles in some cases where you’re missing other burst III AoE, but even then I wouldn’t go past 7. 4-7 seems like a more sensible recommendation.

    1. Sefhi says:

      We’re reworking all character reviews (hopefully before half anni we’re done 😭), thanks for the feedback, will make sure to include more notes when we change her

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