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40 seconds

Noise build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst
Both skill 2 & burst can be left at 4 if not enough resources.

Best harmony cube

Resilience or Bastion.

Stat priority

She’s a taunter / healer that doens’t benefit from any specific lines of OL. The default popular lines can help her with max ammo, ATK and elemental damage.


Skill 1: Chorus
■ Activates when attacked 20 time(s). Affects all allies.
Damage taken ▼ 10.66% for 20 sec.

Skill 2: Sing Together
■ Affects the target(s) when attacking with full charge.
Taunt for 2 sec.
■ Affects self.
Max HP ▲ 15.16% for 5 sec.

Burst Skill: Energetic Noise
Active – Cooldown 40.00S
■ Affects all allies.
Constantly recovers caster’s 2.47% of caster’s Maximum HP every 1 sec for 10 sec.
Maximum HP ▲ 49.5% for 10 sec.

Character traits


– Good heals for the team
– Reduces incoming damage for the team
– Taunts enemies while healing herself
– Almost permanent taunt as long as you fully charge your shots


– 40-second burst cooldown
– Manual play is required for I-framing.
– Noise’s sustain only comes when she bursts.
– No inherit damage reduction, if she taunts she can die fairly easily.


Noise is one of the strongest Burst I units in PVP in Nikke, taunting everyone and tanking a lot of damage, making her a pain in the ass to fight against.

She also provides heals for the whole team while reducing incoming damage, but has a 40-second cooldown on her burst skill, meaning you can’t use her as your main Burst I unit.

She can be used to cheese some PVE content with her taunt and with her kit she’s one of the best sub 1 units, so if you have her, don’t be afraid to invest some resources as you will be using her.

Something that makes not only Noise but any NIKKE that can trigger a taunt from normal attacks is the ability to I-frame attacks.

The way Raptures target your NIKKE mid fight is based a lot on current position, whether they are aiming to fire or are behind cover counts as two different positions. So for certain attacks that have a charge up, if they are initially targeting your NIKKE in cover and your NIKKE uncover and attack, there is a chance that the attack will whiff entirely.

Noise was prominently used for this on the Alteisan Special interception, she alone allowed for many different compositions of NIKKE to clear that interception.

Should you reroll for Noise?

Not really, she can be used as a sub 1 or in PVP but not as your main Burst I unit.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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