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40 seconds

Privaty build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Resilience. Avoid using Bastion since you want skills to proc on last bullet.

Stat priority

ATK and elemental damage are priority to increase her damage. The rest of stats can be fillers with hit rate, crit rate and crit damage. Avoid getting max ammo.


Skill 1: Ex Magazine
■ Affects all allies. Cast when entering Full Burst.
ATK ▲ 23.61% for 10 sec.
Reloading Speed ▲ 51.16% for 10 sec.
Max Ammunition Capacity ▼ 50.66% for 10 sec.

Skill 2: LD Assault
■ Activates when the last bullet hits the target. Affects the target.
[Target] Deals 85.79% of ATK as Additional Damage.
■ Affects the enemy hit by the last round of ammunition if they are Stunned.
[Target] Deals 1089% of ATK as Additional Damage.

Burst Skill: AK Missile
Active – Cooldown 40.00S
■ Affects all enemies.
Deals 457.87% of ATK as damage.
Stuns for 3 sec.

Character traits


– Stun on burst is an amazing skill used in all types of content, PVE and PVP included
– Used in instant reload teams and as a support unit for low invested NIKKES that take too long to reload
– Reduces magazine capacity is good but double edge sword depending on team composition


– Reduces magazine capacity is good but double edge sword depending on team composition
– Skill 2 doesn’t proc often since there are few units in the game that actually stun


Everyone’s favorite tsudere in NIKKE is an amazing support unit that can be used in a lot of compositions, from fast reload teams to just being an amazing support thanks to her kit.

Skill 1 is what makes her a good support, since it procs when entering full burst, and you don’t need to burst with her. She increases ATK and reload speed, while also decreasing the max ammo capacity of all allies. This skill is usually good for most units unless you are trying to go for specific builds with infinite ammo like Modernia, Diesel or Scarlet: Black Shadow.

Skill 2 is the “worst” part of her kit, since it just deals extra damage on the last bullet and doubles it if the enemy is stunned. This damage isn’t that big because most of the time the units will not be stunned, since there are few units right now that can actually do that.

Her burst stuns all enemies, and it’s used for all types of content, from normal pve to pushing hard mode and pvp. It only last 3 seconds and that’s why skill 2 doesn’t have the best synergy here since it will not proc often.

Should you reroll for Privaty?

Not a bad option, but you get her for free. If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

2 comments on "Privaty"

  1. Anonymous says:

    mistake on the cons she is a ar user not shotgun

    1. Sefhi says:

      Thanks! fixed

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