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Rapunzel build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Vigor can help with her heals, otherwise go with Resilience for faster reload.

Stat priority

Doesn’t benefit from any specific lines of OL, so go with the default max ammo capacity and charge speed, the rest can be fillers.


Skill 1: Sacrifice
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge. Affects 3 allied unit(s) with the lowest HP.
Recovers 4.03% of the caster’s Max HP as HP.

Skill 2: Divine Blessing
Active – Cooldown 15.00S
■ Affects 2 allied unit(s) with the highest ATK.
Max HP ▲ 8.19% for 20 sec.
HP Potency ▲ 13.65% for 20 sec.

Burst Skill: Garden of Shangri-La
Active – Cooldown 60.00S
■ Affects all allies.
Recovers 40.83% of the casters max HP as HP.
■ Affects 1 fallen allied unit(s) randomly.
Resurrect with 81.67% HP.
■ Activates when HP falls below 30%. Affects all enemies.
Stun for 1 sec.

Character traits


– One of the few units with a Revive currently in the game
– Very strong consistent healing, very auto friendly
– Nun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


– 60-second cooldown burst skill in the Burst 1 slot
– Pilgrim, much more rare and difficult to obtain copies to limit break
– Used in specific fights that require healing. Loss of a DPS slot due to this


Rapunzel is currently the only available Pilgrim supporter that can provide any form of healing and support to the team, she has consistently good healing and is one of few units currently released in the game that has a revive (on a 60-second cooldown).

She deserves all the praise and ratings she gets solely due to the fact that she excels at what she does, which is helping to keep your team alive.

There are a few drawbacks when it comes to using Rapunzel, however.

Bringing her into a team means you absolutely have to drop a unit that would normally be reserved for another Burst 3 unit, which means overall lowering your damage in favor of better sustain.

She cannot be used as a solo Burst 1 unit has her burst cooldown is locked behind a heavy 60-second cooldown, which means you could only burst once every 3 rotations in a full fight, which is terrible.

Outside the continuous healing, she provides nothing else of major value. Especially when her burst is on cooldown, as you are reliant on making sure she keeps your units topped up. If she is the one that dies, then you have what is essentially a wasted slot, but at least you can still keep on fighting.

With current releases of duo units like Blanc and Noir or Tia and Naga, who bring more as a duo including the high sustain that Rapunzel was sought after for, it became harder to find a reason to bring her into the fray for most content outside of PVP where she is still one of the best units to use.


Still probably one of the most slot efficient units you can bring, assuming the rest of the units you are currently using are meeting the requirements to create an overall well-rounded team. A team like the following could be an example team you could use:

Yes, there are 3 pilgrim units (including Rapunzel) however a team like this is built with the right buffs, and the right damage for pretty much any situation in the game with good sustain from our favorite nun.

She isn’t necessarily the best campaign healer (due to previously mentioned duo units) however if you have her and are in need of a solid healer with a revive, you can’t really go wrong with how little investment she needs to do her job properly.

Solo & Union Raid

Due to the boss scaling changes made to union raid, the overall damage taken from bosses has been lowered even in higher levels and requires less and less healing as there is more of an emphasis on damage dealt in the full fight.

This lowers Rapunzel’s overall need to almost nothing in Union raid, unless you are lower levelled and are in a lower ranked union.

Regarding solo raid, it varies based on the current boss whether you’ll need sustain or not.

With the need to use 5 teams (on challenge mode) having her in at least one team is likely to happen, as some bosses have unavoidable damage and could cause unexpected death or major damage, which Rapunzel definitely helps with.

Should you reroll for Rapunzel?

As a solo character, she is certainly not worth rerolling for. However, she is absolutely worth keeping if you pulled her along with other strong units.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

One comment on "Rapunzel"

  1. ShonB says:

    Thank you so much!

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