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Scarlet build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst
The only reason to level up Skill 2 it’s if you like PVP, for most people keep at 4.

Best harmony cube

Resilience is always the answer. She takes way too long to reload, so it’s perfect until you build her with enough ammo.

At that point, you could potentially run Bastion depending on your team composition.

Stat priority

Biggest priority is max ammo capacity, since her base clip size is 20 bullets. ATK and elemental damage are second priority, leaving you with filler lines for crit and hit rate.


Skill 1: Rip & Tear
■ Activates after landing 10 normal attack(s). Affects self.
ATK ▲ 23.15%, stacks up to 5 times and lasts for 5 sec.
Current HP ▼ 4.01%

Skill 2: Zatoichi
■ Affects the attacker. 30% chance of casting when attacked.
[Target] Deals 138.24% of ATK as damage.
■ Affects self. Cast when HP falls below 60%.
Critical Damage ▲ 6.61%

Burst Skill: Scarlet Flash
Active – Cooldown 40.00S
■ Affects self. Cast when HP falls below 50%.
Critical Rate ▲ 19.57% for 10 sec.
■ Affects all enemies.
Deals 849.15% of ATK as damage.

Character traits


– One of the best DPS in the game.
– Increases her own ATK, critical rate and critical damage
– Can clear the whole screen on burst
– Vergil


– Long reload time
– Pilgrim, way more rare and difficult to get copies to limit break
– Specific endgame investment required to be optimal


Scarlet is one of the most unique characters currently implemented in NIKKE. She is a self-harming, self-scaling attacker NIKKE considered to be the best DPS in the entire game.

She lives up to the expectations set by being not only one of the best attacker units in the game, but also setting the bar for any future Pilgrim attacker releases in the future. Scarlet gets stronger as her HP gets lower, meaning you’ll need units that can keep her alive so she can focus on dealing absurd amounts of damage.

Her current biggest weakness is maintaining the optimal HP without dying, as well as the base reload speed of her… sword. These weaknesses are easily offset by consistent sustain healing and the buffs from units like Privaty, Admi and Anis: Sparkling Summer and also getting good stats for her Overload Gear, mostly focusing on max ammunition.

There are very few situations you would not include Scarlet in a team, as her overall DPS even at max HP is still higher than most other NIKKE currently in the game.

If it sounds like we are hyping her up, it is because she is just that good. There are plenty of selfish DPS units that provide less damage and as little utility that Scarlet does.


Like most NIKKE, Scarlet is not a must-use unit in the campaign.

However, due to all the scaling properties of her kit and a full screen burst with one of the highest multipliers in the game for an attack that hits all mobs on screen, you will find her in most teams for campaign, no matter if it’s early or late game.

She brings almost everything you would want for a unit to use in the Campaign (lacking utility and buffs).

Early on, keeping her alive without an actual healer might become an issue if your Scarlet is just full uptime with damage, however she is just strong enough to end most levels without it ever getting to that point.

Solo & Union Raid

Scarlet is a staple in main teams for both competitive contents, You want her to be invested and in a usable state.

Investing in Scarlet for these game modes specifically will net you a positive return for every game mode regardless, and there is almost no chance that investing in her will ever result in any negative for your account for the foreseeable future.

She can be used in most team compositions, but benefits the most on teams with good healers and units that can buff electric damage, like Anis: Sparkling Summer.

Should you reroll for Scarlet?

Yes, if you like her design. The best DPS in the game, drunk waifu that can work on any team.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

3 comments on "Scarlet"

  1. JC says:

    I knew when I got her that she’d be an excellent unit DPS-wise.

    What I wasn’t expecting was her insane waifu power. I’m not one to get super attached to characters or consider any “my waifu”, especially in gacha games, but her bond story and background are super compelling. Top tier tbh.

  2. Eles says:

    Hello, thank you and… what are the skill level recommendations for Scarlet?

    1. Sefhi says:

      Hello! Scarlet is Skill 1 to 10, Burst to 7, Skill 2 is the least important, 4 is enough you can keep investing later.

      We’ll update the rest of the characters with skills / cubes / stats this week

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