Daily Gacha Videos

Scarlet: Black Shadow

40 seconds

Scarlet: Black Shadow build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Bastion. Even playing without bunny girls, she can self sustain and get infinite ammo with a couple good lines and the cube.

Stat priority

At least 1-2 lines of max ammo capacity for self sustain. After that you can focus on adding more damage with ATK, elemental damage and a mix between crit and charge damage / speed.


Skill 1: Fleetly Fading Breakthrough
■ Activates on Full charge. Effects change according to number of attacks. Each phase does not stack.
Three attacks: Affects the enemy with the lowest defense.
Deals 250.47% of final ATK as additional damage.
Six attacks: Affects all enemies within attack range.
Deals 500% of final ATK as distributed damage.
Nine attacks: Affects all enemies.
Deals 750.47% of final ATK as distributed damage.

Skill 2: Fleetly Fading: Asura
■ Activates when entering Full burst. Affects Self.
Max ammo Capacity increased by 60% for 10 seconds.
Reload 100% of magazine.

Burst Skill: Fleetly Fading Strike
Active – 40.00S
■ Affects self
Changes Full charge attack count required for Skill to 1 time/2 times/3 times for 10 seconds.
ATK ▲ 115.12% for 10 sec.
Charge damage ▲ 150.12% for 10 sec.

Character traits


– Auto friendly unit with incredible damage output
– Doesn’t require a lot of investment for basic self-sustain setup with max ammo
– Like normal Scarlet, versatile unit that can be used on all content
– Wind type NIKKE units finally have a good DPS


– Pilgrim unit, either you get her on her banner or you might be scarletless for months
– Sucks to play on auto since she has an animation lock similar to A2, which you can skip, but it’s not consistent for most people


Black Shadow is finally here and she is strong. Fastest charge speed and biggest base clip size in the game for a rocket launcher, paired with an OP kit, make her the new wind DPS meta. Let’s talk about her kit and why she’s such a good unit.

Skill 1 is a rotation of 9 attacks, doing a lot of distributed damage and additional damage. This full rotation takes 3–4 seconds thanks to her fast charge speed. On its own, this skill provides pretty good semi-constant extra DPS, but it becomes even better thanks to the burst.

IMPORTANT: This skill, depending on the distance the enemies are at, can fail. We’re not sure if it’s bugged or because the condition on the second proc being “Affects all enemies within attack range”. Even with this skill missing sometimes, she’s still out damaging most meta units.

Skill 2 allows Scarlet to have infinite ammo with low investment and get even more constant damage, which is crazy if you think a rocket launcher can have infinite ammo. This skill not only reloads part (or all) of the magazine but also increases max ammunition for 10 seconds on every full burst.

The breakpoints for the skill are at level 4 for 60% reload and level 7 for 100%. With 1 OL line of max ammo and level 4 she can already self sustain in most situations, but long term you could get this skill to level 7 to make sure you are always shooting. I would not go to level 10 even with the extra max ammo, just because of how expensive it gets.

Lastly, what’s making her hit like a truck, the burst skill. This increases charge damage and ATK for 10 seconds. The ATK buff is like normal scarlet skill 1 but not permanent, which is fair considering the damage output she already has.

This burst also makes skill 1 change the proc conditions from 3/6/9 shots to 1/2/3, changing the full rotation to just 1-1.5 seconds, which is why she will have huge spikes of DPS every time she’s bursting.

Team compositions

Even if she works on almost any team as the second or main DPS, there are 2 units that will really make her do a lot of extra damage, Alice and Maxwell thanks to both of their skills 1. When it comes to support units, the standard is still bunny girls for most content or school girls for pushing hard campaign and bosses with core.

It looks like Shift Up is making new limited units and pilgrims actually stronger than normal ones, which is good for the game but bad for our wallets.

Overall, Black Shadow is one of the strongest DPS units in the game, even with low investment compared to the current NIKKE we have. I would recommend pulling at least 1 copy or MLB if you have enough resources.

Should you reroll for Scarlet: Black Shadow?

Considering how versatile she is and the damage numbers she’s putting out, yes. She’s a really solid unit and a good option to start your account.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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