Daily Gacha Videos


The leader of the Real Kindness Squad. She can brainwash others using words alone. This ability, in combination with some additional verbal gymnastics, makes her able to turn anyone into a mindless puppet.

WeaponAssault Rifle
Burst typeBurst II
SquadReal Kindness
Best cubeResilience
Skill prioritySkill 1 → 4
Skill 2 → 4
Burst → 4
Stat priorityATK
Elemental dmg
Normal Attack
■ Affects target enemy.
Deals 13.65% of ATK as damage.
Skill 1 – Full Stop
■ Activates when the last round of ammunition hits. Affects self.
Duplicate 15.03% HP of ally with the highest HP, lasts for 5 sec.
Attract: Taunt all enemies for 5 sec.
Skill 2 – Hurry Up
■ Activates after the Full Burst ends. Affects self.
Burst gauge loading speed ▲ 16.17% for 5 sec.
■ Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects self.
Effect changes according to the number of activation time(s). Previous effects trigger repeatedly
Once: Recovers 15.3% of ATK damage as HP, lasts for 5 sec.
Twice: HP Potency ▲ 51% for 5 sec.
Thrice: DEF ▲ 43.2% for 5 sec.
Burst Skill – Words can Kill
Active – Cooldown 20S
■ Activates when enemy unit(s) (excluding Nikkes) are more than 4. Affects all enemies.
Damage Taken ▲ 12.23% for 5 sec.
■ Affects enemies within attack range.
Deals 176.32% of ATK as damage.


– Leggins ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
– Nice taunt with a 20-second cooldown burst skill
– Low investment required for a boss taunter


– Bring back the old pose please 😭
– Her taunt will get her killed with high combat po‎wer deficit
– Burst requirement makes it pretty much useless in most cases.


Sin is a tank that can be used early and mid-game, but will fall apart late game because it’s almost impossible keeping her alive after taunting all the enemies in high combat p‎ower deficit stages.

She’s a selfish character that doesn’t help the team, meaning finding a place for this type of tank on your team is going to be hard unless she’s your waifu.

She shines most in bosses where she doesn’t have to worry about her taunt running wild against too many enemies, and the same use can be applied in PVP even if by using an assault rifle she loses a lot of value for PVP teams.

Similar to Liter, every time she uses her skill it stacks and gets better but… only for herself, not everyone on your composition. So, once again, it is hard justifying using Sin when she doesn’t help anyone but herself as a burst II tank.

Now, if she’s usable on bosses… that’s enough, right?

Well, her burst needs 4 enemies or more to take place (increased damage for all enemies) so if you run her in boss stages, you are already missing one burst skill instead of using someone else that can help you.

Overall, you might be able to find a place for Sin to cheese some content that needs taunting if you don’t have better units like Noise.

I know this review sounds harsh, even if she’s one of my favorite girls in terms of design, I just cannot recommend running her as your main Burst II unit for any type of content, be it campaign or raids.

Should you reroll for Sin?

No. You can’t get her outside the Liberation System, so it’s just a matter of time getting this Character on your team.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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