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40 seconds

Tia build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Resilience for faster reload. Quantum could work if your account is low level and you don’t have any more spots open on other cubes.

Stat priority

Other than ATK for her heals, the rest of the stats can be fillers. Charge speed and max ammo capacity are good options.


Skill 1: Reptile Lover
■ Activates when recovering Cover’s HP. Affects self
Cooldown of Burst Skill ▼ 13 sec, stacks up to 2 time(s) and lasts for 12 sec
■ Activates when recovering Cover’s HP. Affects all allies
Attack damage ▲ 32.11% for 10 sec

Skill 2: Chameleon Invisibility
■ Activates after landing 5 normal attack(s). Affects self
Cover’s Max HP ▲ 32.75% of the caster’s Max HP, lasts for 5 sec
Attract: Taunt all enemies for 5 sec
■ Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects self
Recovery of Cover’s HP ▲ 21.41% of the caster’s final Max HP
Recovers 21.96% of attack damage for 10 sec

Burst Skill: Lizard’s Protection
Active – 40.00S
■ Affects self
Generates a Shield with 35.07% of the caster’s final Max HP for 10 sec
■ Affects all allies (except self)
Generates a Shield with 10.21% of the caster’s final Max HP for 10 sec
■ Affects all allies
Re-enter Burst Skill Stage 1

Character traits


– Attack damage buff is amazing
– Shield can bypass one-shot mechanics
– Taunt, heal, repair cover and increase max hp of the cover
– Meta combination with Naga for most bosses in the game


– Forces you to play double burst 1
– Needs to be paired with Naga to be usable


The second school girl is finally here and… they’re both broken if paired together.

Even with the downside of having to use another Burst 1 unit while using Tia & Naga, they are still going to be meta on almost all PVE content when it comes to bosses and raids.

Let’s talk about her skills and why she’s so good. This review assumes you’re using her with Naga, because there’s no point of using Tia by herself for 99% of players unless it’s niche situations.

Skill 1 is making her a 20-ish second cooldown unit and increasing attack damage, which is different from the usual ATK buffs and better.

This buff should have 100% uptime, and that’s what makes it better than the damage taken debuff provided by Blanc.

Skill 2 is packed just like Tia herself: Increases her own cover max hp, repairs her cover, heals herself and taunts all enemies.

Her sustain is enough with this skill as long as she has some cover left. It’s better if you manual her to make sure you tank some hits and not lose 100% of your cover.

Last is her burst skill. She re-enters burst stage 1 and creates a shield for the whole team. This shield can bypass some one-shot mechanics and will last for 10 seconds.

This provides even more sustain for your team and will help a lot of players that have problems doing all mechanics on Special Interception, SR and UR.

Honestly, her kit is just too much. Just like bunny girls, school girls provide everything for your team and in some situations even more.


Paired with Tia, you will see her a lot when it comes to bosses. From early campaign both school girls will be able to carry you without any type of issues and their composition stays the same for most content (more on that below).

With both school girls on the team, you only need to worry about bringing 2 DPS units and an extra burst 1 with cooldown reduction to ensure good rotations. Most of the time you will see them paired with Liter or Dorothy and 2 strong DPS depending on the boss you are facing.

They have a little bit less value compared to bunny girls since what those two can provide is good for any type of content, while Tia & Naga are mostly overpowered boss units as long as they have a core(s).

Solo & Union Raid

They are always used on composition 1 or 2 for both type of raids content in NIKKE right now. Your main DPS will always change depending on what element the boss is weak to, and the extra burst 1 should have cooldown reduction, limiting your options there.

Should you reroll for Tia?

Not really unless you reroll for both Naga and Tia, which can be really hard to achieve unless you started playing while both banners were up.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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