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Tove build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Resilience or Bastion.

Stat priority

ATK and max ammunition capacity take priority.


Skill 1: Emergency-Crafted Bullets
■ There is a 5% chance of activating when attacking
Emergency-Crafted Bullets: Reloads 5.31% magazine(s).
■ Activates during Emergency-Crafted Bullets. Affects all allies.
Temporary Modification: Max Ammunition Capacity ▲ 2 round(s), stacks up to 3 time(s) and lasts for 5 sec.
Critical Damage ▲ 5.24% for 5 sec.

Skill 2: Modification Successful
■ Activates when Temporary Modifications is fully stacked. Affects all allies.
Critical Rate 3.32% continuously.
■ Activates when Temporary Modifications is fully stacked. Affects all allies with a Shotgun.
Attack Speed 42.24% continuously.

Burst Skill: Miracle of Makeshifts
Active – 20.00S
■ Affects all allies.
Miracle of Makeshifts: ATK ▲ 2.32% of caster’s ATK.
Mirrors the stack count of Temporary Modifications for 10 sec.

■ Affects all allies with a Shotgun.
Miracle of Makeshifts: ATK ▲ 24.21% of caster’s ATK.
Mirrors the stack count of Temporary Modifications for 10 sec.

Character traits


– Incredible buffer for shotgun teams thanks to the attack speed
– Doesn’t need dupes as a supporter to work and do her job
– Future-proof unit for raids and shotgun teams


– High investment unit for low ROI
– No usage outside shotgun teams and some raid content
– Underwear outside clothing
– Limited team compositions


Not a lot of changes from our initial pre-release analysis, but let’s get directly into the full guide for Tove and what she offers, starting with her kit.

Skill 1 by itself is not really powerful, she increases max ammo and critical damage which is good for weapons with low magazine size to begin with, but the problem is the condition to proc. It’s a 5% every time she is attacking to activate and reload a percentage of her magazine.

As an assault rifle this shouldn’t be a concern to maintain with 60 base bullets, but she actually has issues keeping full stacks even at level 10 with no OL. This also impacts skill 2 since it needs full stacks to activate.

Also, the 5% is only achieved on skill 1 level 9, before that is even a lower percentage, making this a high investment skill for low return on what she offers. Overloaded gear and resilience / bastion cube + at least level 9 makes this skill have 100% uptime, but that it’s a lot of investment into Tove.

Skill 2 activates only when the previous skill is fully stacked, giving some critical rate to everyone on the team and an amazing attack speed to shotgun allies. The critical rate numbers are low and not important, but the good part is the attack speed.

This makes shotgun hit a lot faster, which translates into more DPS always. This is the best part of the kit and also the reason as to why team compositions are limited for this unit, more on that below.

Her burst is divided in two parts, one for the whole team increasing ATK with a really low modifier and the second part increasing ATK only for shotguns with an actually good percentage. This also duplicates the stack count for everyone on the team.

Team compositions

Tove is a burst 1 unit that only buffs shotguns, so this means she is super limited when it comes to team compositions. We need a CDR NIKKE and then to run at least 2 shotgun DPS units, what options do we have?

For cooldown reduction, there’s only two options, Dolla and Helm: Aquamarine. Dolla offers a lot more for the team, and she will be best in slot for this composition most of the time. When it comes to burst 3 units, there are actually quite a few options at the time of release:

  • Sugar to combine her own attack speed with Tove’s, making her a killing machine. The problem is she takes forever to reload, so you need to run reload speed units in the team for better DPS.
  • Guilty as an off burst unit if your main DPS is invested (Sugar). She will duplicate the attack, which paired with the buffs makes her one of the strongest shotguns in the game.
  • Privaty as your last slot unit since she provides reload speed. The issue with this is that you also reduce the max ammo of your units, which depending on investment is actually worse and not benefiting them.
  • Drake as an alternative buffer and also secondary DPS unit. She was losing some usage and with Tove now in the game she can find a comfortable team to be placed in.
  • The rest of the shotguns will be usable with this team, depending on the elemental weakness of the boss.


Not really a unit you will see or use in campaign since the variety of levels is too big and enemies will be at different shooting ranges, making shotguns not reach their full potential, which will make you lose a lot of DPS depending on the level.


This is where Tove will shine the most. The only thing to remember is that she is incredibly boss dependent and only usable on stages where enemies are constantly close to you.

However, in this type of stage / boss, she will always find a place in one of your team compositions if you want to rank higher.

Overall, a unit that is not recommended for new players since she is way too limited. Mostly for raid and competitive players that want an extra team.

Update on Skill Investment

You can Build Tove two different ways, general shotgun support (skill 1 at level 9) or completely ignore this skill and leave it at level 1 so you can run Anis: Sparkling Summer while she doesn’t proc often enough skill 1 with a lower percentage.

This is a lot cheaper to achieve for most players and can sustain a wider range of team compositions, which is always good.

The other way to build Tove is going for full uptime on her skill 1 which means at least level 9, and that is a lot of investment for a team that will be used only on some raids. At the end of the day, with how much use she will find, I would suggest going with skill 1 at level 1 since the amount of skill books we get is limited.

Long term, you can work towards a more optimized shotgun team and go full investment on her.

Should you reroll for Tove?

We do not recommend rerolling for her. If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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