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20 seconds

Volume build & priority

Skill priority

Skill 1Skill 2Burst

Best harmony cube

Whatever is the highest level on your account between Bastion, Resilience, or Quantum.

Stat priority

Doesn’t benefit from any specific lines of OL. If you decide to overload her, do it because the extra CP you will get.


Skill 1: Freestyle
■ Affects self when killing an enemy.
ATK ▲ 12.6% for 5 sec.

Skill 2: Drop The Beat
■ Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects all allies.
Effect changes according to the number of activation time(s). Previous effects triggers repeatedly.
Once: Burst Skill cooldown ▼ 2.34 sec.
Twice: Burst Skill cooldown ▼ 2.7 sec.
Three times: Burst Skill cooldown ▼ 3.17 sec.
■ Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects all allies.
Effect changes according to the number of activation time(s). Previous effects triggers repeatedly.
Once: Critical Damage ▲ 10.77% for 5sec.
Twice: Critical Damage ▲ 12.46% for 5 sec.
Three times: Critical Damage ▲ 14.42% for 5 sec.

Burst Skill: Turn Up The Volume
Active – Cooldown 20.00S
■ Affects all allies.
Critical Chance ▲ 31.59% for 5 sec.

Character traits


– Lowers burst skill cooldown
– Very large critical chance buff.
– Some good Cake


– Needs 3 burst cycles for full potential
– Critical damage buff is nice but ATK is better
– Self attack buff is terrible, not worth scaling with skill investment.


Volume is an attacker supporter that mostly buffs her team and a small amount for herself.

She has a pretty decent kit overall and can be placed on a lot of teams if you are missing one of the better burst I like Liter.

Crit damage and chance buff are nice, but ATK is always superior and that’s the reason Volume isn’t used in more teams.

With the release of some more recent units (collaboration units like 2B) and others like the schoolgirls, Volume’s position in competitive contents has skyrocketed her into a main team slot.

Some units scale their own attack so excessively that the only real way to give them more is to apply buffs like more elemental damage (against the weaker ones) or increased critical and core damage. Volume provides the highest critical rate buff in the game, although Critical damage does not scale damage all that well. More damage is more damage however.

Should you reroll for Volume?

We do not recommend rerolling for Volume.

In theory, no. In practice… she’s probably one of the units most people rerolled for when the game started with Scarlet just for looks, so do as you wish, Commander.

If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

3 comments on "Volume"

  1. Skymayer says:

    One of the gratest ass-ets of the game.

  2. Brady_Sharky says:

    You guys forgot to mention she has the best cake in the game

    1. Sefhi says:

      We have to re-do all character reviews before Dorothy as they’re pretty bad, don’t worry we’ll include the cake

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