Daily Gacha Videos


20 seconds

Zwei build & priority

This character is not widely used by the majority of the players, and it’s not recommended investing in her. If she is your waifu you need advice, feel free to drop by our daily streams and ask there.


Skill 1: Pierce Equation
■ Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects all allies.
Pierce Damage ▲ 20.13% for 1 shot(s).
Pierce Damage ▲ 10.06% for 10 sec.

Skill 2: Frame Analysis
■ Activates after landing 5 normal attack(s). Affects all allies.
Recovers 7.52% of Cover’s HP
■ Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects all allies.
Critical Rate ▲ 18.63% for 5 sec.

Burst Skill: Overcharge Formula
Active – 20.00S
■ Affects self
Change the Weapon in use:
Charge Time: 1.5 sec
Damage: 50.69% of final ATK
Full Charge Damage: 300% of damage
Max Ammunition Capacity: 1 round(s)
Additional Effect: Pierce

■ Affects all allies.
Pierce Damage ▲ 15.48% for 10 sec.

Character traits


– Consistent HP cover recovery for everyone in the team every 5 normal attacks (3-ish seconds depending on team composition)

– Critical rate works wonders with one-shot units like Snow White and Maxwell

– Pierce damage on skill 1 is good for most of the meta sniper rifles we currently have in the game and the one-shot units already mentioned


– Critical rate is kinda useless unless you are going for the one-shot team or Soline (kinda copium this last one)

– Burst 1 unit without CDR makes her almost instantly useless in most case scenarios, since that spot is just too competitive

Should you reroll for Zwei?

Rerolling is a process that can take hours and sometimes even days. If you are keen on rerolling, consider checking our guides to see what are the units you should be aiming for.

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