Daily Gacha Videos




Published on: March 8, 2023

Last updated on: May 20, 2024

About the campaign in NIKKE

Like any gacha game, progress and new game modes will be unlocked as you progress through the main campaign of NIKKE.

Every chapter has a different map that you can navigate with your team until you reach the boss.

You will also find secrets hidden through the map and EX stages, which we’ll cover later.

If you want to see all the secret lost relics in the campaign, you can do so on our interactive map.

Different type of stages in NIKKE

Before you start a level, you can see all the information you need such as weaknesses for enemies, layout of enemies (are they far away or nearby? do you need snipers or shotguns?) and the type of level.

Here are all the types of levels you can find right now in the game:

  • Destroy: Kill all raptures in the level, you’ll start fighting normal raptures, then an elite or two and finally the boss of the level
  • Defense: You have 20 HP and every enemy that slips to the right of the screen will reduce it 
  • Base: A zone is in the center of the map, if enemies occupy that area the bar at the top will move left glowing red if past the 50% mark. The win/lose conditions are:
    • If by the end of the timer the bar is filled more to the right, you win. If it is more on the left you lose
    • The bar fills completely either direction, causing the level to end early in either a victory or a defeat
  • Bosses: Levels where you’ll fight important raptures to progress through chapters checkpoints and unlock new maps.
  • EX Stages: Special stages that unlock after certain levels in a chapter. There are usually 2 or 3 per chapter, varying from normal stages to a Boss stage. These fights cannot be done with Auto enabled, and are normalized to a specific level (depending on which chapter you are currently in) up to level 200.

A zone is in the center of the map, if enemies occupy that area the bar at the top will move left glowing red if past the 50% mark. The win/lose conditions are: 1. If by the end of the timer the bar is filled more to the right, you win. If it is more on the left you lose. 2. The bar fills completely either direction, causing the level to end early in either a victory or a defeat.

What about Hard Mode?

Exactly the same, but a lot harder than the normal campaign. You’ll find the same type of levels, but with a higher combat pow‎er requirement.

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