Daily Gacha Videos

Material H Solo Raid Team Compositions



Published on: January 8, 2024

Last updated on: January 8, 2024

Notable units for this Solo Raid

This Guide will mainly cover team compositions for the Challenge Mode of the newest Solo Raid in NIKKE featuring Material H.

Newest addition to the main DPS roster as our one and only wind DPS, though her kit was not designed for bosses in mind, her raw damage output and the fact that she is dealing on-element damage against this boss outperformed even Red Hood here. With her AOE capabilities, she clears the rapture spawns fast, though it might be inconsistent.

Huge Firepower with lethal team wide attack buffs and pierce. Together with the new Scarlet, they are both almost required for high ranking players in this Solo Raid.

MG with huge firepower and constant suppressive fire with no reload or instant reload builds, comes with damage taken increased debuff and huge self-attack buffs. Being a MG user and with an infinite magazine build, she provides suppressive fire for rapture spawns which greatly helps the team remove Material H barrier fast.

Though off element, Alice packs huge firepower with built-in pierce, higher ATK power and insane charge speed similar to Red Hood.

Strongest single fire burst unit in the game. With a high single shot burst and pierce, Snow white always takes a spot on Solo Raids.

Though she maybe a secondary DPS, she shines in this season’s Solo Raid where small raptures need to be taken out before an immunity hit count shield appears. With that alone, Scarlet can easily take out the small raptures before they even do anything with her burst or purely auto attacks.

Similar to Scarlet, her burst allows her to take out the mini raptures quick enough to go back to dealing damage to the main boss.

MG and able to provide suppressive pre fire before the mini raptures spawns to take them out as fast as possible

Though we might say her burst is bad for bosses, there are some cases like hard campaign push with school girls and this Solo Raid, where the small raptures need to be defeated in order to continue dealing damage to the boss.

Lethal supportive buffer for any Main DPS and has a high damaging pierce burst in her kit in case you need extra damage and pierce.

Since supports are basically the bread and butter of SR, being able to mix and match supports to figure out optimal Setups should lead to higher damage dealt overall. However, these are some notable supports used in SR Season 9.

Additional notes

Phases: Remember the Phases if you want to learn the raid

  1. 4 mobs + 4 QTE
  2. 4 mobs + 4 QTE
  3. 4 mobs + 3 QTE
  4. 4 mobs + 3 QTE
  5. AOE x2 + 5 QTE
  6. AOE x2 + 5 QTE

Quick Time Events (QTE). For this Solo Raid, you should delay them as much as possible! By delaying QTE from the beginning and destroying each QTE as the timer is about to end, the boss would not have enough time to play out the whole of its last 2 AOE Phase. Most Comps & Characters do not have the Hp and Survivability to tank the entirety of the last 2 AOE Phase. 

Stuns can delay the 4 Small Rapture spawns that provide the damage immunity and hit count shield. If the player has issues clearing the rapture spawns, units like Privaty should be used as a crutch to cheese rapture spawns before the shield comes up.

AOE Attacks or Floor Wipes like Scarlet’s Burst/Harran’s Burst/Kuroren’s Skill 1 can be used to wipe the 4 Rapture Spawns before they even channel the shield.

Machine Guns with enough Ammo Max Capacity are able to provide Supportive prefire aiming at the location before the small rapture spawns to take them all down before they channel the immunity shield can be used to clear the 4 Rapture spawn every phase.

Team compositions for Material H Solo Raid

PSI for every Composition Listed here: Except maybe composition 1, the player needs to be managing his QTE throughout the whole fight.

You will notice we only have 4 teams, while Solo Raid lets you use 5. These are just some of our recommendations, as not everyone will have the same units and most of the time, the last team is just the leftover units. Some people change the Snow White composition to allow for more units on other teams, while others don’t even use one-shot compositions.

It’s up to the player what teams they want to use based on their available units, and we hope this guide can serve as a reference on some popular compositions used for Solo Raid.

DO NOT MANUAL KUROREN! Other than that, there is nothing much to be said about this very straight forward composition. While manualing Alice and keeping up and managing QTE timings, you don’t want to be bursting Alice during the Rapture Spawn Phase.

With Blanc & Noir, most triggers can be outright ignored, as the heals and shields from Blanc are more than enough to cover the entire team for the whole duration of the fight (except the last 2 AOE phase).

In this composition, all units work well with one another, giving Red Hood the required buffs she needs to deal optimal amounts of damage. With Naga & Tia most triggers can be outright ignored as covers and heals are more than sufficient to cover Red Hood as she deals damage.

Ludmilla has a better slot here due to her being able to provide supportive pre-fire on the small raptures, destroying them before the shield the hit count buff appears, preventing any damage dealt to the boss.

With her kit allowing for no reload and instant reload builds, she makes this incredibly easy to do while providing increased damage to cores and supportive debuffs like damage taken increased and huge self attack buffs to add to her offensive power.

With Snow White, this composition takes a bit of fishing. As SW would need to do core hit crit with pierce to deal optimal amount of damage.

Since we have already used the 2 most sought after supports (JKs and Bunnies), this composition would have to sit with what’s left in the barrel. With Dorothy’s increased to part damage and nuke on burst paired with high amounts of attack buffs from Privaty and Maxwell, SW is not missing out on much damage lost. However, this strategy has a twist to it. 

This team requires the most amount of QTE management to line up Privaty’s Burst with the set of each Phase to allow her stun and burst damage to cheese the rapture spawns. 

A side PSI for this set would be their survivability after hitting the AOE phase, where this comp would get absolutely decimated and would require some i-framing to get the comp going.

Very Similar to Composition 2 with Red Hood however not nearly as enough firepower compared to her. Managing QTE and using Scarlet’s Burst and Modernia’s MG to take down rapture spawns before they begin the channel. 
Use helm’s burst whenever it is needed to heal up the team in a pinch and Summer Mary for consistent Healing Overtime to keep the Team Healthy.

Overall very straight forward set just without as much firepower as compared to having Red Hood and JKs

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